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Web Booker
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

This article will cover how to configure your Web Booker. The Web Booker menu is available for YourDriverApp Fleet Solutions owners and admins.

Web Booker overview
In this view you get a list of all Web Bookers that are linked to your fleet. For each Web Booker this screen provides the following options:

  • Copy a unique code to integrate on your website. Read more here

  • Share a link to your Web Booker directly with your customers.

  • Configure the Web Booker settings (continue reading below).

By clicking the 'Settings' button you can further configure your Web Booker.

  • Name: The origin name of the Web Booker.

  • Main color: Here you can set your color code of the main theme of the Web Booker.

  • Google Tag Manager ID: Link your Google Tag Manager ID to get your data in your Google reports.

  • Allow customers to sign in - Here you can enable your customers to log into the Web Booker.

  • Allow for A to B Route bookings - Enable your customers to book pickup address to drop off address rides in the Web Booker.

  • Allow for hourly bookings - Enable your customers to book rides for a fixed amount of time rather than from A to B location.

  • Drop-off address field mandatory - When this setting is disabled, customers are only required to enter a pickup address.

  • Minimum order time - The minimum reservation time in minutes.
    Here you can set the minimum order time configured for your bookings interface. The default setting is 30 minutes, which means that a minimum order time of 30 minutes is applicable in the integrated bookings interface.

  • Payment Methods: Here you can choose which payment methods you want to activate

    • Stripe online payment can only become available when you activate the Stripe Payment Service Provider integration in the general section ('Settings --> General')

  • Logo: Upload your logo here which is visible in the Web Booker

Save your settings by clicking the button 'Update Web Booker config'.

In the 'Advanced settings' you can configure on a more advanced level:

In the advanced settings tab you can configure the booking settings which apply for the bookings app. The following settings can be configured:

Booking settings:

Dispatch settings:

  • Default Dispatch Action - Here you set the standard dispatch action for new jobs from this booking. There are 2 settings to choose from:

Manual: The default setting is 'Manual', which means all jobs from this bookings app need to be dispatched manually.

Automatic: If you change the setting to 'Automatic' all jobs from this bookings app will be dispatched automatically at the 'Dispatch time to pickup' (see setting below).

  • Dispatch method threshold - The amount of minutes before the requested date at which a booking becomes an ASAP booking.
    Here you can set when bookings from this bookings app are dispatched based on ASAP rules. The default config is 60 minutes, which means that the ASAP automated dispatch algorithm is automatically triggered for all dispatches that are started with the requested date within 1 hour of the start of the dispatch process. For a booking with a pickup time longer than 60 minutes the Pre-book automated dispatch algorithm is triggered.

  • Manual dispatch notification message / Dispatch time to pickup -
    Depending on the 'Default Dispatch Action' setting you can set here the following:

    Manual: The amount of minutes before pickup you want to notify your admins through a push message that the job needs to be dispatched. The default setting is 60 minutes before pickup time.

    Automatic: The amount of minutes before pickup at which the ride will be automatically dispatched. The default setting is 60 minutes which also means that all bookings with a pickup longer than 60 minutes are administrated as 'dispatch manually' until the time the automatic dispatch starts.

You can edit any setting to the configuration of your liking, just remember to hit the 'Save' button!

In the pricing tab you can enable/disable your pricing rules and special rates which are created in the pricing menu! Here you can set the pricing rules which are used in the bookings app when a booking is made.

Choose pricing rules
To activate pricing rules on your bookings app click the button 'Choose pricing rules'. Here you can see the pricing rules that are created in the pricing menu sorted by priority. You can activate any rule by checking the check boxes 'Fixed' and/or 'On-meter'. You have 4 options per rule:

  1. Both 'Fixed' and 'On-meter' checked: With this configuration all bookings from the bookings app with a destination are fixed priced, but it is also possible to book without a destination (if configured in the bookings app). Those bookings will be presented as 'On-meter'.

  2. 'Fixed' checked and 'On-meter' not checked: With this configuration all bookings from the bookings app with a destination are fixed priced and it is not possible to book without a destination.

  3. 'Fixed' not checked and 'On-meter' checked: All bookings with a destination have an estimated price (On-meter) based on the pricing rule. Also bookings without a destination are available if configured in the bookings app.

  4. 'Fixed' not checked and 'On-meter' not checked: No bookings are available for this rule.

Don't forget to hit 'Save and close' to save your progress.

Special rates
To activate special rates on your bookings app click the button 'Choose special rates'. Here you can see all the special rates that are created in the pricing menu. You can activate/deactivate any special rate rule by checking/unchecking the check boxes.

Commission rules
In this tab you can define the commission rules that apply to this specific bookings app. The commission rule(s) define(s) what will be paid to the owner of a job and is therefore charged to the driver of that job. There are two types of commission rule:

  • Fixed amounts commission: Fixed amounts are charged per job.

  • Percentage commission: Percentages are calculated over the total job fare including VAT.

You can add a maximum of two commission rules: 1 or 2 fixed amount rules, 1 fixed + 1 percentage rule or 1 percentage rule only.

You can easily create a rule by choosing the type (fixed amount per job or percentage over total job fare) and the associated amount rate or amount percentage. You can add another commission rule by clicking the + sign.

For example you can add a fixed rate rule of €2 and percentage over job fare of 10%. For a job with a total job fare of €50 the commission for the owner will be €2 + €5 (10% of 50)= €7. The driver settlement amount will be: €50 - €7 = € 43.

It is most common is just to use one commission rule.

Location policies
Here you can select all the location policies that should apply for this bookings app, just select the policies that you want to apply and that's it!

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