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Get Intro - HubSpot

Introduction to the Request an intro button (called the get Intro call to action) and a quick how to guide.

Delphine Le Person avatar
Written by Delphine Le Person
Updated over a week ago

🔒 Note: This feature is available exclusively for Pro and Power plan users with Reveal's HubSpot package.

🔏 Not a pro / power user yet, want to unlock this feature now? Get in touch.


With the get intro call to action on Reveal’s HubSpot Widget, your Sales Team can now contact their Partnership Team directly to improve team collaboration and get introductions, insights and drive revenue.

How does it work?

Step 1 - Discover partner presence

Identify partner presence on accounts you’re working on. Click Actions > Get Contact to get more details and see who manages the partnership at your company.

Step 2 - “Get intro” call to action

  • Click Request an intro to request an introduction from the Partner Manager at your company.

  • Confirm your intro request. The following will happen:

    • An email will be sent to your company’s Partner Manager

    • The account will be added to their Pipeline on Reveal

    • If a Slack channel has been connected to this partner on your Reveal workspace, the Get Intro request will also be sent to Slack

Step 3 - Tracking “Get intro” requests

  • Use these requests to grow your pipe and add action items to your next partner meeting.

  • See which pipeline items came from a Get Intro request by looking at the Category = Intro request

  • Keep track of progress in pipeline using Stages.

  • Export the pipeline as a csv to build out your reporting, or to add the data into your CRM.

To better understand this new feature, let's explore an example.

Below, you'll find that Securian Financial Group is a Customer you are trying to upsell. By using the Reveal Widget, you can identify partners who have listed it as a Customer or Prospect with an open opportunity.

Upon clicking the Actions button, you will have two options: Get Contacts or to Request an intro.

Selecting Request an intro will:

  1. Send an email to the partner owner within your company (this is the partner owner who is listed on the partner tile on your Reveal partner dashboard),

  2. Add a pipeline item to your Reveal pipeline. This pipeline item can be linked to a deal that exists in your HubSpot. This process streamlines tracking and makes the information more actionable.

  3. Send a Slack message to the selected Slack channel/s

In the event that your sales team overlooks the Request an intro button in the HubSpot app, they can still access it through the Weekly Digest email (sent every Friday).

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