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Get Intro management per partner

Configure your Get Intro settings per partner to manage inter-team/partner collaboration

Delphine Le Person avatar
Written by Delphine Le Person
Updated over a week ago

πŸ”’ Note: This feature is available exclusively for Admin users on Pro and Power plans on Reveal.

πŸ” Not a Pro / Power user yet, want to unlock this feature now? Get in touch.


Get Intro allows your Revenue team to leverage your Nearbound ecosystem by requesting help on accounts via an introduction, some intel or through influence. Empower your team to create new business, progress stalled deals and close-win opportunities.

You can now configure Get Intro settings per partner on Reveal. This is particularly helpful when you have different types of partners with different collaboration relationships.

Configure Get Intro settings so that your team's requests go directly to a shared Slack Connect for key partners that you have a close relationship with. For partners you're still building a relationship with, you can disable the Get Intro feature and regain control over who can reach out to them, and how.

How does it work?

Step 1 - Connect Slack to Reveal

Workspace Admins must connect Slack to their workspace to enable the Get Intro settings tab to appear.

Step 2 - access the Get Intro settings tab

From your partner dashboard, select the settings cog βš™οΈ which will take you to your Partnership Overview.

Select the Get Intro settings tab to access the setup options:

Step 3 - configure your Get Intro settings per partner

You can configure your custom settings per partner by doing the following:

  • Enabling / disabling the Get Intro feature for this partner

    • For Salesforce CRM users, disabling the toggle will also disable the Get Intro button within your CRM widget

    • Disabling the toggle will also disable Get Intro as a button on the Weekly Digest emails

    • Disabling the toggle will mean that Get Intro from within Reveal will also be disabled

  • Choose the internal routing of the intro request:

    • Partnership Owners will always receive an email for Get Intro requests

    • Select a specific internal Slack channel or use the default Slack channel selected in your Integration settings

  • Choose the external routing of the intro request:

    • Select a shared Slack Connect with this partner

Please note that all intro requests will add the item to your team Pipeline on Reveal for tracking purposes.

Step 4 - Save your work!

Make sure you hit the Save button to confirm your choices.

For Salesforce users who have deactivated Get Intro for a partner: we recommend you check that your settings have been applied.

  1. Access your 360Β° Goals dashboard and find an account that has the partner you disabled Get Intro for in the "Is customer for" or "Is open opportunity for" columns

  2. Go to your Salesforce CRM, search for this same account and verify in the widget that the partner does not appear

Need help setting it up, or ready to leverage Get Intro with your team?

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