Who can review, approve and reject your peoples leave requests?
Holiday approver
Firstly, those that are assigned as a users holiday approver, will be able to manage those that they have had assigned to them.
Please note: You can only assign one person as a Holiday approver.
Secondary approvers
Secondly, Line managers, HR users and the Admin of the account will be able to review, approve and reject leave also. This will show up under the 'To review and approve: Open leave requests' section of the HR dashboard.
If the user requesting the leave already has a holiday approver these notifications will not show up on the HR dashboard. These will need to be viewed by:
Following the pathway: Reports > Outstanding Leave Requests
Navigating to the leave tab on the user profile and pressing the arrow icon under the actions header next to the leave booking
Please note: Line managers will only be able to view the leave requests of the people that they have been assigned to manage.
How will they be notified?
Holiday approvers will be notified via an email notification as well as a notification on their manager dashboard if they are a Line manager, HR user or an Admin.
Please note: You are only able to have one user notified of a leave request, this cannot be assigned to multiple people.
Line managers, HR users and the Admin will have to view these via:
Following the pathway: Reports > Outstanding Leave Requests
Going to the leave tab on the user's profile
Useful links