Understand and configure user permissions and access levels within Breathe's HR software
Assigning dutiesHow to assign duties to your people within Breathe
Changing the admin userTransfer your admin access over to another HR user
Differences between an Admin/HR user and a Line Manager DashboardDifferent manager dashboard views within Breathe
Finance UserUsing Breathe as a Finance User
How many Admin users can I have on my account?Unable to assign more than one Admin?
How to assign a Line Manager or Holiday ApproverChanging approvers & permissions within breathe
How to assign an HR userAssigning a user HR permissions within Breathe
HR AdvisorOur new permission that allows you to add an external HR Consultant to your account
Line Manager OverviewOverview of the Line Manager permission in Breathe
Line Manager permissionsA guide on what Line managers can see and do.
Short read: how to change what people can see and doTailoring what your employees, line managers and HR users can see and do in Breathe.
User permissionsAn overview of who has which permissions, and on which Breathe plan
What permissions do Admin users have?A guide on what the Admin user can see and do.
What permissions do HR/Super users have?A guide on what HR users can see and do.
What permissions do Finance users have?A guide on what Finance users can see and do.