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Why Can't I Edit a Time Card?

You need to edit a time card, and the 'save' button is grayed out. We'll explain why and what you need to do.

CustomerCareTeam avatar
Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over 3 months ago

Two Reasons You Can't Edit a Time Card

The save button on the time card is most likely grayed out due to one of two situations.

  1. The pay period has ended, and time cards are locked or closed

  2. An 'unknown' job needs to be fixed

You Can't Edit Closed and Locked Pay Periods

Time cards in Closed Pay periods can't be edited. Don't close a pay period until you have submitted hours for payroll.

You can lock a pay period while working on your payroll export. This prevents other Admins from making changes. But you can unlock it when you need to make edits.

How to Fix Unknown Jobs

Occasionally, an employee needs to clock in but doesn't see their job on the app. You still want them to clock in to start their time card. In this case, they can clock into an "Unknown" job. We still get a GPS track so you can see where they are when clocking in.

But you can't close the pay payroll period until you edit the Unknown job to a real one.

More Reading Opportunities

Want to know more about closing a payroll period? Click here. πŸ‘

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