Want to lock in a casual for a booking but aren’t sure on the details? That's where Flexi Bookings come in. Rather than leaving the details blank and risking the booking going unfilled, you can create the booking request as a Flexi Booking, for when the class and teacher needing cover hasn't been confirmed yet.
What is a Flexi Booking?
Flexi Bookings allows schools to send a booking request with limited details. By selecting the Flexi Booking option, casuals will be notified that the booking request is flexible, and the missing details (such as class or teacher to be covered) will be confirmed later.
Why We Introduced Flexi Bookings
ClassCover surveyed both schools and teachers to better understand the challenges and preferences when it comes to booking requests with missing information. Here are the key insights from the surveys:
Insights from Schools:
60% of schools booking without full details said they do so because they book in advance and aren't yet sure of the details.
20% expect last-minute changes and don’t want a casual to spend time preparing for a class they may not need to teach.
Insights from Casuals:
40% of casuals respond to the booking request on a case-by-case basis depending on the school.
29% ignore the request without accepting or declining if there is no class information.
23% accept all bookings, even without details.
8% decline the booking.
How Flexi Bookings Improves Response Rates
Overall, 57% of casuals surveyed said they would be more likely to respond to a request if the school indicated it was a Flexi Booking. For those who currently don’t respond at all, Flexi Bookings would boost response rates by 48% for this group. For those who decline bookings with no details, Flexi Bookings would increase acceptance rates by 35% for this group.
How Does It Work?
Create a Booking Request
When creating a booking request, if you leave out the class and teacher being covered, ClassCover will prompt you with a pop-up message:
"Not sure of the class or teacher being covered yet?
Send this request as a Flexi Booking so they are aware. You can update the booking details when you have more details.”
Select Flexi Booking
If you select ‘Yes, send as a Flexi booking’, casuals who receive the booking request will be notified that the request is flexible. This ensures they understand that the missing details are intentional and will be filled in later.
Update the Booking When Details Are Available
Schools can always go back to their Calendar and update the booking information in the future. This can also be done using the mobile app, allowing for easy updates wherever you are. We also send out a reminder email before the booking date to enter in the details if you have them.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team via the Chat feature or email us at support@classcover.com.au – we're always here to help!