Signing Up a Prospect
A prospect is a contact of your gym who may have expressed interest but does not have a membership for your business yet. You will not be able to add a membership to a prospect, but they can be booked in for classes.
If required, you can send a prospect a waiver. You can also create a prospect from a waiver. It depends how you would like them to be added.
Quick Add Prospects (walk-ins, phone-ins, etc.)
You can quick-add a prospect into your Clubworx account by clicking the + Add button and then clicking Prospect:
This can be useful if a prospect is calling to enquire about the business. The only mandatory information required for creating a prospect in Clubworx is the first name, last name, and email address. So make sure you grab those!
Through the Contact Us form
If you have events that have at least 1 prospect space (and that space has not been taken!) your prospect (who is not in the system yet) will be prompted to fill in their details, this is the same details as the Clubworx “Contact Us” form.
To view this, you can head to Settings > Website then go to the URL on the page that is in the rectangle on this page:
Here you will be able to see an example of the timetable, and the “Contact Us” form:
When this is filled out, it will create a prospect in your Clubworx account.
If you already have a website, you can head to Settings > Website > Integrations, which will allow you to copy and paste either a contact us form or the HTML calendar into your website code:
Through a Waiver
When you head to Waivers> + New Waiver this will allow you to set up a waiver to sign up a prospect. This is useful if a prospect is reaching out via email, social media, or you have grabbed their details from the methods above but might need them to sign some terms and conditions before attending class.
Set a name for your waiver, choose Sign up new prospects as the option (you will be able to send this to existing prospects - more on that below!), and then choose who can sign. If you choose All contacts then signees will be able to choose if they are an adult, or if they are signing on behalf of a dependent.
If you choose Parent/guardian with dependents only or Single adults only, then when they are signing the waiver the choice will be made for the signee:
The Contact Information section of the waiver is mandatory, but you can click “manage required fields” to change what information is required (for example, if you wish to make it mandatory that the contact provides their mobile number).
The following sections are super useful, but optional:
Emergency Contact Details
Terms & Conditions
Waiver & Release
(Don't forget that you can customise/rename each of these sections if you don't like these titles)
The final section is the Electronic Consent section, this allows you to choose what copy will appear next to the checkbox your prospect ticks to acknowledge they accept your terms when signing.
Then hit Save and Publish and you are ready to send your new waiver out to your prospects! Lets go through the two ways you can do this.
1. Sending a “Blank” waiver:
In the case where someone has reached out to you you can head to Waivers > My Waivers and then press this button to copy the URL to send to them where they can fill out the waiver and create a new profile:
If they are physically at your location, you can also open up a new tab and paste the link you just copied into the URL bar to open the waiver right then and there:
2. Send a waiver to an existing prospect:
In the case where a prospect has a profile (you have entered their information, or they have filled out the Contact Us form) within their profile click on Waivers>Sign New Waiver which will send them a waiver pre-filled with the details you already have for them (Clubworx will also know that this waiver “lives” on this profile so you won’t have to worry about creating duplicate contacts or merging!):
Then choose your waiver and select Sign Waiver Now if you would like to sign within the Clubworx account (if they are physically with you at the time) or Send Link to Prospect, which will email the link to them - You will need to make sure you click through both screens if you are sending the link to the prospect:
Booking in a Prospect
Your prospect will only be able to book themselves in from the HTML calendar. They will not have access to the mobile app. They are only able to book 1 class by default, however, you can go to Settings then to Account Profile and Bookings then down to the Advanced section you will be able to edit:
How many classes your prospect can book themselves into from the Calendar
If classes you have set up to not require any membership (The Require active membership for members? setting when creating an event), you can choose if Prospects can attend those classes
For non-free classes that you'd like your Prospects to attend, you will need to make sure that the class is set to have at least 1 prospect space, and that prospect space must be free.
If you’d like your prospect to book more than 1 class, staff are able to bypass these rules. However, additional classes will need to be booked by a staff member through the Clubworx internal calendar (under Calendar > View Calendar).
Trial Passes and Paid Trials
If you have trial passes (EG: a $0 membership that allows X bookings over X days or a trial that involves payment) then you will need to sign the prospect up as a member instead so that you can add a membership with these permissions to them.
For any further questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Clubworx support team at