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Watch the short tutorial video below to familiarize yourself with the planning and periodizing section of CoachRx.

Updated over a week ago

When it comes to designing training programs, efficient planning and prioritization are crucial for achieving optimal results. In CoachRx, these processes are divided into three key areas: long-term plans, short-term plans, and daily plans. This article will guide you through each step of the planning process and demonstrate how to effectively structure your clients' training programs.

Long-Term Plans:

To begin, start by adding a long-term plan in CoachRx. Specify the start date, end date, and any relevant notes for the long-term plan. This provides a high-level overview of the training program's timeline and objectives.

Short-Term Plans:

Once the long-term plan is established, navigate to the long-term plan view. Initially, this view will be blank until you add short-term plans. To add a short-term plan, simply click on the "Add Short-Term Plan" option at the top-right corner.

In the short-term plan creation window, you can select the cycle type, ranging from accumulation to deload. Specify the start date, duration in weeks, and the end date will automatically populate. Additionally, you can edit cycle priorities as needed, which will pull in any existing priorities from the client's profile. Include cycle notes to provide context and instructions for each phase of the training program.

Daily Plans:

After creating the short-term plan, you will be directed to the short-term plan screen. At this stage, the Monday through Sunday calendar view will be empty until you fill out the daily plan. The daily plan is where you input the specific training components that will populate your client's training calendar.

It is crucial to format the daily plan properly by separating individual pieces with commas. Failure to do so may result in a lengthy, unreadable entry on your client's calendar. For example, if the daily plan includes squat, push, bend, and core exercises, entering them as "squat, push, bend, core" will display them neatly on the client's calendar.

Importance of Calendar Updates:

Understanding the significance of the training calendar is essential. If you notice a day missing from the calendar, it means you need to update your client's training schedule. By accessing the client's training schedule and making the necessary changes, such as marking a day as a rest day, the updated information will reflect in the daily plan and calendar.

CoachRx's planning features allow trainers to efficiently structure long-term, short-term, and daily plans for their clients' training programs. By following the outlined steps, coaches can ensure clarity, organization, and proper prioritization throughout the program's timeline. By utilizing this comprehensive planning framework, coaches can optimize training outcomes and provide a more effective coaching experience in CoachRx.

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