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Booking Settings: Prime Times
Booking Settings: Prime Times

Manage Access During Peak Periods

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users create prime time intervals. For example, you could set Saturday from 9 am - 12 pm as a prime time slot.

  • Use Cases: Prime time slots help club managers control access to facilities and equipment during busy periods. Settings on the Prime Times page are linked to the Restrictions page. System users could, for instance, create a prime time slot (e.g. weekdays, 5 pm - 7 pm) and then prevent one membership type (e.g. guests) from booking a court during those times on the Restrictions page. It is possible to assign custom costs to busy periods, but those settings are not connected to the Prime Times page. Settings on the Prime Times have a direct impact on player/member access to the club facilities, so care should be taken to configure the settings properly.

The BOOKING SETTINGS section has several pages. This article describes options on the Prime Times page.

Click a link to learn about the other options:


System users need a clear understanding of the club's booking rules and regulations.


The first step is to open the Prime Times page.

  1. Click SETTINGS on the side menu.

  2. Scroll down the page to BOOKING SETTINGS and click Prime Times.

  3. Create one or more prime time slots. (see below)

There is no Save button on this page. CourtReserve auto-saves any changes.

Configuring the settings

To create a prime time slot, select a day and then click the plus (+) icon. Optionally, click the plus icon next to Day to create the same slot for every day of the week.

Enter a start and end time for the prime time slot and then click Save.

CourtReserve adds the interval. Click Delete to remove a prime time interval.

Editing a prime time interval

System users can update the start/end time of an interval and how often it applies.

  1. Locate a day to change and click the Edit button. The folder expands.

  2. Change the From and To times, as required.

By default, the Apply to All checkbox is selected. To limit this prime time interval, uncheck the box, select one date on the calendar, and then click Save. It is not possible to select multiple dates. CourtReserve adds the internal to the page with an i note.

Selecting courts

The final step is to apply the prime time interval(s) to oen or more courts. Use the checkboxes to select a court or optionally check the Select All box.


Watch a video and learn about settings for bookings.

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