Create an Event - Embed Code

Copy Links to Promote the Event Online

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Copy and distribute links to the event on the member portal.

  • Use Cases: Promote the event in club email messages and website pages. Note the Embed Code tab only appears after the system user creates and saves the event.


Add registration restrictions when creating an event.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click EVENTS on the side menu.

  3. Create a new event or edit an existing one.

  4. Scroll down the page and click the Embed Code tab.

  5. Edit the code (optional) and then click Save Changes.

  6. Copy the code.

Embed Code

The Embed Code page has two elements: a URL and a block of HTML code


Copy the URL and add the link to the club's website or paste the address into an email message. When clicked, the link opens the event's sign-up page.

Embed Code

The Embed Code is for web developers who would like to place a visual element in an external website outside of CourtReserve. Do not embed code on the domain. Click here for more information about setting up the member portal and linking to events.

The screenshot below shows a sidebar widget on an external website (not The widget content was created by the embed code.

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