Create an Event - Additional Setup

Configure Display and Notification Settings

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Configure member portal display and notification settings.

  • Use Cases: Tweak settings to control how events display on the member portal and who gets a CourtReserve notification when a player signs up for an event or withdraws.


Add registration restrictions when creating an event.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click EVENTS on the side menu.

  3. Create a new event or edit an existing one.

  4. Scroll down the page and click the Additional Setup tab.

  5. Fill in the fields (see below)

  6. Click Save Changes.

Additional Setup

  • Is Featured? - If enabled, CourtReserve moves the event to the top of the Event List on the member portal and displays a Featured tag.

  • Allow Members To Register Till Event Ends - If enabled, the registration window remains open until the event end time.

  • Disclosures - Optionally, attach a disclosure form to this event. Click to learn about disclosures.

  • Hide Event on Event List and Calendars - If enabled, CourtReserve will hide this invisible on the Member Portal Event List and Event Calendar.

  • What System Users Receive Notifications for this Event? - Click the field and select an option. Except for the Nobody option, CourtReserve automatically sends the selected parties a message whenever a player registers, withdraws, or if the event is automatically cancelled due to low numbers.


When a player views a list of events, the FEATURED tag displays if enabled by a system user.


If the system user enables the notification feature, designated users receive an email message when a player registers for an event.

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