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Push Notifications

Keeping Myndlifters engaged with their mental health!

Updated over a week ago

What are push notifications?

Push notifications are messages that pop up on mobile devices. The Myndlift app is able to send them even when the application is closed.

When are notifications sent?

When accessing the app for the first time, users are prompted to allow notifications to be sent to them. When allowed, these messages are sent based on different criteria and milestones achieved by the user during their training experience.

Here is a list of actions that trigger push notifications to Myndlifters:

  • When a user has at least one neurofeedback training program deployed to their account but hasn't trained in a few days.

  • When new Insights and Training Reports are generated to the user.

  • Upon reaching new XP or session Benchmarks.

How to stop receiving notifications?

To learn more how to stop receiving notifications, visit the articles below:

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