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Overview financial data

This article describes what the different financial data mean.

Updated over a week ago

In the financial analysis, you will find the following data: revenue, labour productivity, labour costs, and labour costs percentage. These can be seen both in the planning and the time registration. The planning is an expectation of these data, and the time registration is the actual achieved result.

You can find the revenue and other financial data at the bottom of the schedule or the hours page. If you don't see this, check under the 'Show' button to see if the revenue is enabled.

Under the red question mark, you will find an explanation of what you are seeing.


There are two types of revenue that you can view: the revenue forecast in the schedule, and the revenue result in the time registration.

Labour productivity

You use the labour productivity (AP) to see how many euros you have generated per worked hour.

The calculation is as follows: Revenue / Number of hours

Example: You have € 2.000 in revenue. In total, your team members worked 40 hours that day. This means your labour productivity is € 50 (2000 / 40 = 50).

Labour costs

Team members have a gross hourly salary in their contracts. However, as an employer, you pay more than just the gross salary; you also cover employer charges. These are included in the labour costs.

You can read more here about the labour costs and how they are calculated.

Labour costs percentage

After calculating the total sum of labour costs, you can also calculate how this relates to the revenue.

The calculation is as follows: Labour costs of all team members * 100 / Revenue

You can enter a target value for the labour costs percentage. If the labour costs exceed the figure you set, the numbers will turn red on the schedule and time registration. Read here about how to set this.

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