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How to Design an E-Signature Document

Learn all about the Design Tool to create your best Documents!

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 5 months ago

For a step-by-step explanation of how to create a new E-Signature Document, click here. This article goes into more depth on the design process and outlines the options available.

After uploading an E-Signature Document (i.e., Enrollment Packet, etc.), you will be directed to Enrollsy's Design Tool, where you put in the fields that will get filled out at enrollment. Designing your document correctly comes down to understanding two simple concepts: Pink and Blue fields, which we will go over below under Design Tool.

Field IDs

When you created your E-sign Document, you created Field IDs to help you correctly identify fields in your Enroll Form during the design process. These will be available as pink fields in the Design Editor (also called "Sender Fields").

field ids in Enrollsy

NOTE: Once you create and map your E-sign Document, you CANNOT change the Field IDs. You will need to create a whole new Document if you need to edit these fields.

Design Tool

Click Design to open the design tool, and your Document will open in another window (Dropbox Sign). Here, you will be adding pink and blue fields.

Document Design in Enrollsy

NOTE: Pink fields are SENDER fields mapped from the Enroll Form. Blue fields are SIGNER fields that Account Holders must insert the information they ask for.

On the left side, you will see the following information:

  • Signers - Me(now), Sender, and the Signer

  • Signature Fields

  • Auto-Fill Fields

  • Standard Fields

These are further explained below. On the right are other settings for each element clicked on the left.

signers in Enrollsy Design tool

Me (now) Fields

The Me (now) field is typically used if you have to fill in a blank with the company name, contact info, or anything else that is static and will not be editable by the Signer or pre-filled by Enrollsy.

Sender Fields

A Sender Field is any field you want PRE-FILLED through Enrollsy's Enroll Form. These fields are pink and automatically pre-fill with the first available text (Email Address-Primary Account).

Standard Fields

The only available fields for autofill are "Text box" or "Checkbox."

  • Text box - Use this field for all Sender text fields.

  • Checkbox - This field is not compatible with our Enroll Form setup. These boxes will have to be filled out by the Signer at the time of enrollment (see Signer Fields/Standard Fields below).

Drag and drop the preferred field to where it goes in the document. A new menu will appear on the right. Under "What Text Goes Here?" on the right side, scroll down until you find the correct text for that field.

NOTE: These options will NOT be in the order they are on your Enroll Form. The options that show up here are the Field Nicknames under the Field IDs section.

The following are the types of fields available:

Design Editor in Enrollsy- sender fields

Text box Standard Field Settings

When clicking within a particular text box, settings will appear on the right that includes the following:

  • Text Options - Here, you can put in a Placeholder Text, i.e., "Hospital Name," that will show up in the text field to the customer. This is optional.

  • Formatting - This is the font type and size of the text in the text field. You can make the text smaller to fit into smaller blanks/lines in your document.

Metadata Fields

Metadata on programs now shows up as merged fields under "What Text Goes Here?" to pre-fill with. It uses the key to list it here, and the value will be pre-filled.

metadata fields in Enrollsy design tool

Signer Fields

A Signer Field is a person signing the form. These fields will turn blue and must be filled in by the Signer.

Signature Fields

  • Signature - For any signature needed on the document.

  • Initials - For any initials needed on the document.

Auto-Fill Fields

  • Date Signed - For any date after a signature, use this field.

  • Name, Email, Company, and Title are rarely used. You can use the Email field if you have a Signer field, specifically an email.

Standard Fields

  • Text box - Use this field for all Sender text fields.

  • Checkbox - Use this field for places where a checkbox needs to go. NOTE: These boxes will have to be filled out by the Signer at the time of enrollment. You can also choose to have a checkbox checked by default (toggle button under Options).

  • Dropdown - Use this field for single-choice or Yes/No questions that the Signer must select. Put in your single-choice options under Options.

  • Radio Group - Use this field for questions that have circles or boxes for one of two choices. Put in the Radio Names (i.e., Yes/No).

The following are the types of fields available:

Design Editor in Enrollsy- signer fields

Text box Standard Field Settings

When clicking within a particular text box, settings will appear on the right that include the following:

  • Text Options - Here, you can put in a Placeholder Text, i.e., "Hospital Name," that will show up in the text field to the customer. This is optional.

  • Formatting - This is the font type and size of the text in the text field. You can make the text smaller to fit into smaller blanks/lines in your document.

  • Required - Check this toggle box if you want this field REQUIRED on the enrollment form.

  • Mask Typed Text - Use this if the field has sensitive information, such as an insurance policy number, etc. The text will appear as asterisks to other signers and on the final PDF.

  • Validation - This can be skipped, but if you want, you can validate a field by making it numbers only, letters only, phone numbers only, etc. Be careful with validation. For example, if you put phone number validation, only a phone number can be added in that field.

  • Field Name - This box can be skipped unless you want to name a field.

  • Conditional Logic - If you need a field to only be completed if another question is answered in a certain way, then you can add a rule here that makes that field visible if the prerequisite question is responded to correctly. For example, a parent's signature field to be transported is only visible if the parent answered "Yes" to the question, "Does your child need to be transported?"

    • Instructions:

      • Set Conditional Logic on your prerequisite question.

      • Select the answer.

      • Then "Show/Hide" the following field (s) - Click the field (s) that has to be shown or hidden (they will become a transparent blue).

      • Click Done to save.

      • In our example below: "Does the child regularly take medication?" If the answer is Yes, then the signature field needs to show.

        Enrollsy Design Editor conditional logic

Field Alignments

They will not be aligned precisely when you first drop in your fields. You can align the fields the way you want by selecting them (drag the mouse over the fields you want to align, and they will be "selected"). A menu will pop up in the top-right corner that looks like this:

field alignments Enrollsy

The bar shows the direction of the alignment. The first icon shows top alignment, the second shows bottom alignment, and so on. The last two icons show alignment vertically and horizontally. See how this works:

How to align fields in Enrollsy Design Editor

Other Field Adjusting Tools

You can also adjust the fields by moving your up/down/left/right arrows on your keyboard, or selecting the field with your mouse and moving it with the mouse.

Zoom in or out by adjusting the percentage from 25% to 150%:

There are also Undo and Redo buttons (arrows), Copy and Paste buttons, and a Keyboard Shortcut button:

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