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About E-signature Documents

Learn what an E-sign Document is, why you might need it, and much more!

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 5 months ago

Do you need legally binding, court-admissible signatures on Documents or Forms like financial agreements, licensing paperwork, waivers, etc.? Enrollsy allows you to upload and design an E-signature Document that makes it easy for you and your customers!

What is an E-signature Document?

So, what exactly IS an "E-signature Document"? It is a Document provided by you and saved as a PDF. It is then uploaded to Enrollsy and mapped with the fields on your customized Enroll Form. This means you drag and drop fields onto the Document, then choose which field from the Enroll Form goes into that field.

After the mapping is completed, it is sent to your customers (Account Holders) to e-sign using a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. The signed Document shows up in each Account Holder/Enrollee's account.

E-signature Provider

In Enrollsy, we partner with Dropbox Sign (formally HelloSign) as an e-signature provider. E-signatures from Dropbox Sign are legally binding under the ESIGN Act of 2000 and have the same legal standing as pen and paper. Affixed to each signature request is a non-editable audit trail to ensure every action is thoroughly tracked and time-stamped.

Dropbox Sign is also the design editor where the Enroll Form fields are "mapped" onto the actual Document. We have an in-depth tutorial about how to design your E-sign Document. We'll talk more about this later.

Why use E-sign Documents?

Any provider who needs a legally bound signature on a Document uses E-sign Documents. Some examples of these Documents are as follows:

  • Handbook

  • Enrollment Packet

  • Welcome Packet

  • Policies

  • Waivers

  • Releases

  • Etc., etc.

NOTE: E-signature is a feature that has to be unlocked. There is also an associated cost for this feature: $2.50 per signature request. A signature request is when someone prepares a document, sends it out for someone to sign, and collects it back. Whether the request has been fully signed or partially signed, it will still be counted as one signature request transaction.

Create PDF Document for E-signature

The first step in this process is providing a PDF Document that needs to be mapped and signed. Some important information about this Document:

  • Make sure the Document is GENERAL (meaning, don't put specific details in it like years, dates, amounts, names, etc., that will need to be updated)

  • Detailed information can be gathered via the Enroll Form instead of the E-sign Document

  • Word Documents CAN be converted into a PDF. Use free software online, such as

See this support article for more information on creating a new E-signature document.

One or Multiple Signers?

You will then need to decide if you need just one Signer or more than one. This is an important decision because once you create the E-sign Document, you CANNOT ADD another Signer.

NOTE: Multiple signers CANNOT use the same email address per Dropbox Sign! Click here for more information on this.

You can include the Primary Account Holder and/or the Secondary Account Holder as signers, or add an additional email field on the Enroll Form for a guardian signature. You can also type in an email address for an administrator who needs to sign off first. Learn how to set up multiple signers in this article.

NOTE ABOUT PRIMARY & SECONDARY ACCOUNT HOLDER SIGNATURES: If you have the primary account holder's and the secondary account holder's signatures, then both of these signatures will be required. Therefore, if you have a single primary account holder, that primary account holder's email address must be in both the primary account holder's email field and the second account holder's email field. This can be the same email address.

The primary account holder will need to sign the same document twice. The document will be emailed the first time and after it is signed, will be emailed again. Once it is completely signed, the primary account holder will receive an email saying the document has been completed by everyone.

Expiration Date?

You can add an optional expiration date. The purpose of the expiration is to not let Account Holders sign the document past that expiration date. After the document is signed, the expiration date no longer applies.

Designing/Mapping the E-sign Document

Next is mapping the Document in the Design Editor. Field IDs help you correctly identify fields in your Enroll Form during the design process. The Design Tool opens up in a Dropbox Sign window, where you will be adding pink and blue fields.

NOTE: Once you create and map your E-sign Document, you CAN NOT change the Field IDs. You must create a new Document if you have to edit these fields.

See "How to design an E-signature Document" for detailed steps in mapping and designing the E-signature Document.

Testing the E-sign Document

After mapping all the fields in the Document and designing them as you see fit, it's time to test it. See "How to test your E-signature Document" for detailed instructions.

NOTE: You will need at least one Customer account to test your Document. Suppose you have not had any enrollments yet; no need to worry! You can put in a fake customer account. Learn how here.

Send/Attach E-signature Document

There are two ways that an E-sign Document gets sent to a Customer:

  1. It is sent automatically via email by attaching the Document to one or more Programs. When the Customer enrolls in a Program, the Document is sent to their email address. To attach the E-sign Document to a Program, see "How to attach an E-signature Document."

  2. Admin Users send the Document manually by adding it on the Documents page in Enrollsy. Once added, the Document is sent to the Primary Account Holder's email address. To send the E-sign Document to one or more Account Holders, see "How to send out E-signature Documents."

How to view Signed/Unsigned Documents

After sending out your E-signature Documents to be signed, of course, you will want to be able to see who has and who has not signed. For instructions, head to "How to view who has signed or submitted Documents."

Issues after Sending E-sign Document

After the E-signature Document is sent out, you might encounter some of these most common issues:

Editing E-sign Document

Suppose you need to edit something in your current E-sign Document or replace it entirely. See this support article for more information. NOTE: DO NOT delete any E-signature Document until you have read this article.

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