You can create a Health and/or Nutrition Report (as well as many other types of Reports) in Enrollsy on the Enrollee Table page. With this feature, you can control your views, which are unique per User.
Check out these support articles to learn how to create other custom Reports:
Choose Columns
Make sure you are on the Enrollees Table. Clicking the Column Select button opens a drawer that allows you to manage columns and column order.
There are four categories of fields you can choose to show or hide using a "Select all" checkbox or by selecting them one at a time:
Program Options
To select or deselect all, click the top checkbox at the top left. The circled number at each section shows how many fields you have chosen in that section. The top circled number shows how many TOTAL fields you have selected.
Typically, for a Health or Nutrition Report, the following column fields are chosen:
Enrollment - Class (name)
Enrollee - Student, Photo, Health questions, and/or Nutrition questions
Account - Account (the Primary Account Holder's name)
Program Options - none or Program (name)
Field Nicknames
We provide a way to create a nickname for each custom field label. This way, you have the context of the custom field label (or the intake question) before you create a shortened column header using a nickname.
Reorder Columns
To reorder the columns, you have selected to display, switch to the Reorder tab and drag them up or down. Then click Done to make your changes take effect.
Sort Columns
You can then sort columns to see all those who have allergies, for example, or all who are on medications. Sort the column with the up/down arrows beside the label.
Print Or Export Custom Report
Once you have all your data prepared in the way you want it, you can print or export it.
First, select the records you want to include (using the Select All checkbox or individual checkboxes to the left of the table) and then click the download icon to export the data to a spreadsheet or the printer icon to print the report or save it as a PDF document.