Customization is a hallmark of Enrollsy. Customizing the gender field is an example of how you can personalize our features to fit your company. Our default "Gender" field includes the options "Male" and "Female." If you need more options, it's as easy to change as 1-2-3!
Access your Enroll Form by going to My Company > Forms > Enroll Form.
Step 1 - Adjust Default Field
First, uncheck the checkbox beside "Visible" in the default Gender field, under the Enrollee Section, to make that field invisible.
Step 2 - Create a New Field
Click on the plus sign below the Enrollee section to create a new field. Label the new field "Gender" and select "Multi-Select" as the field type.
Include all your options under "Options."
NOTE: If you want to include an "Other" option, click on the plus arrow (see below) and add a single text field labeled "Describe" or something like that so that the customer can write in their preference.
Be sure to only show this "Describe" field if the customer chooses "Other" as their option:
Step 3 - Move & Preview New Field
Move the new gender field by clicking on the up/down arrow close to the original gender field (or wherever you want it in your Enroll Form).
Preview your form by clicking the Preview button to the right to see how the field looks to the customer: