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Step 4: Customize Enroll Form

Customize your dream Enrollment Form to make enrollment easy for you and your customers

Caroline Hilton avatar
Written by Caroline Hilton
Updated over a week ago

Now to the fun stuff! Customizing your very own Enrollsy Enroll Form. Simply select “Forms” on the banner of tabs across the top of the screen and choose “Enroll Form.”

Within Enrollsy, you have one dynamic Enroll Form. Your Enrollment Form has the following customizable sections.

Enroll Form Sections

  1. Account Info

  2. Enrollee Info (Check out this article if your Account Holder can also be the Enrollee)

  3. Program Selection

  4. Memberships (Optional - you will only see this if you’ve requested the Membership feature)

  5. Payment Info (Optional)

  6. Confirmation

Key Pointers to Remember

  • This Enroll Form is much more than an Enroll Form under the hood. It is the heart of everything you’ll do through Enrollsy.

  • Collect the essential information while keeping your customer’s attention span and bandwidth in mind.

  • Each main section can be renamed by selecting the pen icon next to the section title.

  • Optional instructions or messages can be entered under each section by clicking “+ Message” and clicking the check icon to save

Account Info and Enrollee Info Sections

The information you collect in these two sections will be asked of all of your Enrollees, regardless of what they are enrolling into.

Each section includes default fields

You’ll see a list of basic fields designed by Enrollsy that many companies use. Select which fields you would like to include in your Form. Do this by selecting the field to be visible and/or required. (NOTE: First Name and Email Address are always required, as this creates an account for the Enrollee)

Create additional fields specific to your needs

Select the rectangle plus bar at the bottom of each section.

  • Create a label.

  • Select the downward-facing arrow icon to create optional subfields.

  • Make sure to check out the Field Settings under the settings icon. From here, you can further design your customized settings.

*NOTE: Default fields cannot be rearranged. To work around this, you can hide the default field and customize a new field to change its placement.

Program Selection Section

Program Forms allow you to ask specific questions to only those who enroll in specific programs. Although you likely haven’t set up your Programs yet, begin thinking through which Programs will require additional fields within the Enroll Form. For now, you won’t be tying Program Forms to Programs, but you’ll have a chance to attach forms you create here to their Program(s) once you complete Step 16.

program forms in Enrollsy's enroll form

Payment Info and Confirmation

You don’t need to do anything for these last two sections other than writing an optional message to Enrollees should you choose.

Lastly, see what the Enroll Form will look like for Enrollees using the preview button at the top right-hand side of the screen. Keep in mind that as you complete the rest of the Implementation Guide, Enrollsy will magically pull all of the pieces together.

Also, the preview is not a polished view of the Enroll Form experience. It’s an internal view that lets you see all the fields you’ve added from a design standpoint. To see exactly what your customers will see, follow these steps.

And voila! You have created your Enroll Form!

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