To add drop-off and pick-up times to your Enroll Form, you can create a Program Form. The Program Form can be found on your Forms page at the bottom of the Enroll Form. Follow these steps to create this form.
Step 1 - Create a New Program Form
Create a name for your Program form by clicking on the blue "Add Program Form" button. Or, if you already have some Program Forms, click on the small blue plus button beside the first Program Form name.
For example, if this is for Before/After School Programs, you may want to name it "After School" or just "Drop-off/Pick-up."
Step 2 - Create Fields
After creating the name, click the blue plus button in the box to create your first field. In the new window, choose the "Single Select" field element and enter the label (i.e., "Drop off time"). Click Add.
Step 3 - Field Settings
Under Options, create your drop-off time options:
Click Save after entering the times. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 with the "Pick up time" field.
After completing the second field, you're done! The following is what this field will look like at enrollment:
NOTE: For these fields to appear on the Enroll Form, you must attach the Program Form to the Program(s). See the steps below for how to add the form to one or more Programs.
Add Form to Program(s)
Head to your Programs page, and click on the pencil icon to edit a Program.
Click on the Enroll Form settings or scroll down to that section.
Under "Additional Program Fields," select the name of your Program Form(s). In the example below, we added our "Infants Only" Program Form to our Infant Program.