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Step 2: Company Creation

Begin customizing Enrollsy to make it your own

Caroline Hilton avatar
Written by Caroline Hilton
Updated over a week ago

Once you have access to your Company’s account (which Enrollsy will provide), you'll be able to transform Enrollsy into your Company's space. Your customers will be thrilled. Don’t worry; we'll walk you through the whole process.

My Company Page

First, select the spaceship button at the top right corner. You'll notice that you are now in the "Company" tab inside the banner of tabs across the top of the screen.

Off to the left, you'll see a window with all of the subsections included in this step. Familiarize yourself with the following sections and fill in the necessary information.

My Company page in Enrollsy

Company Details

Change your logo (this logo will appear at the top left of the platform and at the top of your enrollment form). Use the highest quality logo you have.

Later, when you want to send out links, you can select the link icons on the right to share relevant URLs with your Enrollees and Instructors.

If you want to embed a user-friendly link to Enrollsy on your site, learn how by reading How do I add my Enroll Form to my website.

My Company (Change company information)

Adjust the Theme Color to match your logo.

Fill in the remaining questions, including company name, customizable URL, contact email, phone number, physical address, and Tax ID.

My Company settings in Enrollsy


When customers open up their Portal, what do you want to be the first page they see? How about Instructors? You can customize the default pages here.

What do you call things?

Yep, you get to decide what terminology is used throughout the whole platform. You'll see the default terms automatically listed, but you can adjust them if you would like.

Enroll Form

This is where you'll first begin to set up your Enrollment Form and get some basics behind you.

Write and select the Terms and Conditions for Enrollees to see and agree to before they can confirm their enrollment. Write various Welcome Messages that will be automatically emailed out to your Enrollees after they've enrolled. You can create a few options and then assign them to your different programs at a later stage.

For additional information on the options available on this tab, click here.

Payment Settings

Select which payment rules you would like to apply to all transactions occurring through Enrollsy. These rules include forcing auto-pay and passing taxes and/or fees onto the customer. Make sure to review your state laws to ensure you are able to pass on these fees.

Payment settings in Enrollsy

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