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About Exporting in Enrollsy
About Exporting in Enrollsy

Learn what all can be exported to a CSV file (spreadsheet)

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

Enrollsy allows various information within the app to be exported to a spreadsheet (CSV file). Look for the cloud with a down arrow icon:


On the Reports page, the following reports can be exported:

  • Transactions - Export a report of all transactions within a specific period. Or export all transactions within Enrollsy and the class or program tied to that payment to a CSV spreadsheet using the Transactions Export Report.

  • Charge/Discount Items - Export specific Charge Items and/or Discount Items within a specific period

  • Accounts - Export all accounts within Enrollsy to a CSV spreadsheet.

  • Activities - Export a report of specific Activities within a particular period. See also Check In/Out Report.

  • Timesheet - Export a report of clock-in/clock-out times of Instructors (or other staff).

  • Enter/Exit Class - Export a report of times when Instructors exited and entered classrooms


Enrollsy captures "leads" from anyone who enters at least one piece of contact information on your Enroll Form but does not complete the enrollment process. New leads are displayed on the Submissions page under Leads.

Export these leads with the following information:

  • Date information captured (attempted to enroll)

  • Lead Tags (manually added)

  • First & last name

  • Email address

  • Cell phone & work phone

  • Location & Program they chose

  • Internal Notes (manually added)

Enrollees Table

The Enrollees Table is chock-full of uses, which can get overwhelming. Please see this support article for a breakdown of this page.

On the Enrollees Table, you can view and filter any information on your Enroll Form as well as the following:

  • Enrollment - Tags, Enrolled date, Class information, Location, and Days

  • Enrollee - Tags, Photo and other Enroll Form fields

  • Account - Tags, Contact, Account name, Payment Information on file, has a Pin, Balance on account, and all Enroll Form fields under Primary Account Holder

  • Program Options - depending on the active Enrollment Period you are viewing.

  • Program Forms - All fields within each Program Form (on Enroll Form)

After selecting the proper columns and filtering the information into the Report you need, you can then select the rows (or select all) and export either the current columns or all data.


On the Programs page (accessible by either the Classes page or the My Company page), you can export your Program information into a CSV file by selecting the Programs on the left and clicking the export icon at the top. The following components are what is exported:

  • Edit Link - link to edit that particular Program

  • Program Options - For example, "Program Name," "Schedule," and "Time."

  • Enrollment Period - The Enrollment Period the Program is in

  • Location(s) - The Locations for each Program

  • Coupons - Any Coupons attached

  • Documents - Any Documents attached

  • Days - Days the Program runs

  • Enrollment End Date - The date enrollment ends (if applicable)

  • Meta Data - allows you to store information about a Program that can be used in E-Signature Documents and software integrations.

  • Enrollment/Program Override Instructions - Additional instructions (if applicable)

  • Terms & Welcome Messages attached.

  • Class Credit information (pricing, selection, minimum & maximum, etc.) - if applicable.

  • Age Restrictions (if applicable)

  • Uses PIN - Uses Kiosk pin

  • Installment Information

  • Prorate Settings (if applicable)

  • Tuition Mapping (if applicable)


Waitlists only (not Classes) can be exported. Select the Enrollees and click the export icon on the right-hand side. The information that is exported includes:

  • Waitlist Tags

  • Enrolled Date

  • Enrollee Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender


On the Invoices page, you can export a list of the following Invoices under a particular Location (or ALL Locations):

  • Current Invoices

  • Partial Paid Invoices

  • Paid Invoices

  • Future Invoices

Invoices can be filtered using the Filter button before exporting. Select the Invoices to export on the left then the export button will appear at the top right. The following information can be exported:

  • Date

  • Days Past Due

  • Payment Plan

  • Amount

  • Status (i.e., paid, unpaid, etc.)

  • Invoice Balance

  • Enrollee name

  • Enrollment

  • Class

  • Primary Account Holder name

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