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About the Enrollees Table

Need specific information on Enrollees/Accounts? Find it here!

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a month ago

The Enrollees Table is chock-full of uses, which can get overwhelming. Click "Enrollees" (or whatever you call them, i.e., Students, etc.) on the left menu. Here, we will try to break it down into bite-sized chunks so that you can get the most out of the Enrollsy platform!


This page's first and most important item is on the top-right side, which is your Location(s). Whenever there is more than one Location, the information will be shown based on which Location is selected.

Enrollment Periods

This page's second most important item is on the top-left side: Enrollment Period. Enrollment Periods help you keep track of separate yearly enrollments. The information displayed here will be based on the Enrollment Period selected. To see all your Enrollment Periods, select "All Enrollment Periods."

enrollment periods in Enrollsy

See the support article About Enrollment Periods for more detailed information.

Total Enrollments/Accounts/Enrollees

On the top of this page are numbers. These are your total Enrollments, Accounts, and Enrollees within the selected Location and Enrollment Period, as well as the total of Enrollments, Accounts, and Enrollees in all Enrollment Periods for the selected Location.

The example below shows the following information for the Open Enrollments Enrollment Period in the Alpine Location:

  • Total of 147 Enrollments

  • Total of 125 Accounts (out of 151 for all Enrollment Periods in that Location)

  • Total of 125 Enrollees (out of 152 for all Enrollment Periods in that Location)

Choose "All Enrollment Periods" to view the Enrollments, Accounts and Enrollees in all Enrollment Periods. If any are not showing, they may be one of the following:

  • Inactive Account - In this case, click on the "Inactive" switch in the upper-right corner

  • Account/Enrollee with no Enrollment - On the Accounts or Enrollee section, you can select "Accounts/Enrollees with no Enrollments" to view any Accounts or Enrollees that have no active enrollments.

NOTE: If you have more Accounts or Enrollees that are not showing in any of the above (active, inactive or no enrollments), click here to see how to find these Accounts or Enrollees.

Enrollments View

Selecting the Enrollments view you can view a lot of information, including choosing the columns you want to view, filtering those columns, and saving the views. Select specific Locations, or "All Locations" (adjust this in the upper-right corner).

Views Icon

A "view" is a collection of settings that you can use to repopulate the table. Select "View" to see any saved views. You can click "Save View," to save the currently selected columns, filters, and sorting. The article How to Create Saved Views on the Enrollee Table shows you how to save views.

Columns Icon

This is the icon on the far right side of the page and is an essential part of the Enrollees Table. This support article, How to Sort Enrollees by Class or Program, discusses using this to customize the columns on the table entirely.

Using the Columns, you can make custom Reports. View How to Create a Custom Report for more information.

Filter Icon

You can filter by any information on your Enroll Form, even Program Forms! You can filter by the columns chosen to get the information you need to see using the Filter icon. See How to Filter Enrollees on the Enrollee Table for instructions on filtering.

The filters you choose will appear in gray beside the "Filters" button. Click on the "x" on these to take the filter off.

Additional Options

You can also do the following by selecting the Enrollments on the left (click the boxes). A new icon menu will appear at the top right.

  • Bulk Tags - The Tag icon (tag) allows you to remove or add Tags in bulk

  • Bulk Transactions - The bulk Transaction icon (dollar sign) allows you to post Invoices, Credits, or Payments to the Enrollments you select.

  • Export - The export icon (cloud with a down arrow) allows only the current columns OR all data for the selected Enrollees.

  • Print - The print icon (printer) lets you print the current columns for the selected Enrollees.

  • SMS Text - The text icon (SMS) allows you to text the selected Enrollee's Primary and/or Secondary Account Holders.

  • Copy Emails - The last icon (envelope) allows you to copy the email addresses of the selected Enrollee's Primary and/or Secondary Account Holders.

Inactive Switch

A switch in the screen's upper-right corner is labeled "Inactive." Toggle this switch on to see any Inactive Enrollments.

bulk transactins, export, print, text, and copy emails on Enrollee Table

Check out this article for more about Inactive Accounts in Enrollsy: How to search for an Inactive Account.

Accounts View

Select specific Locations, or "All Locations" (adjust this in the upper-right corner). Then choose the Enrollment Period you want to view or select "All Enrollment Periods."

Selecting the Accounts View allows you to see the following information:

  • Account Tags

  • Primary Account Holder's first and last name

  • Primary Account Holder's email address

  • Primary Account Holder's cell phone and work phone (if applicable)

  • Status of account (active or inactive)

  • Payment Method on file

  • Balance on Account

  • Notes (Account internal notes)

You can select Accounts on the left (or select all) and do the following actions:

  • Bulk Tags - The Tag icon (tag) allows you to remove or add Tags in bulk

  • Export - The export icon (cloud with a down arrow) allows only the current columns OR all data for the selected Enrollees.

  • Print - The print icon (printer) lets you print the current columns for the selected Enrollees.

  • SMS Text - The text icon (SMS) will enable you to text the selected Enrollee's Primary and/or Secondary Account Holders.

Accounts with No Enrollments

If you need to see Accounts with no Enrollments, click the "Accounts with no Enrollments" button on the right:

A new window will open listing Primary Account Holders with no Enrollments. Click on the Account Holder's name to go straight to their Account.

Inactive Switch

A switch in the screen's upper-right corner is labeled "Inactive." Toggle this switch on to see any Accounts with inactive Enrollments.

bulk transactins, export, print, text, and copy emails on Enrollee Table

Check out this article for more about Inactive Accounts in Enrollsy: How to search for an Inactive Account.

Enrollees View

Select specific Locations, or "All Locations" (adjust this in the upper-right corner). Then choose the Enrollment Period you want to view or select "All Enrollment Periods."

Selecting the Enrollees View allows you to see the following information:

  • Enrollee Tags

  • Photo

  • First and Last name

  • Gender

  • Birthdate

  • Age

  • Notes (internal notes on the Enrollee's page)

Also on this page, you can select Enrollees on the left (or select all) and do the following actions:

  • Bulk Tags - The Tag icon (tag) allows you to remove or add Tags in bulk

  • Export - The export icon (cloud with a down arrow) allows only the current columns for the selected Enrollees.

Enrollees with No Enrollments

If you need to see Enrollees with no Enrollments, click the "Enrollees with no Enrollments" button on the right:

A new window will open listing any Enrollees with no Enrollments. Click on the Enrollee's name to go straight to their page.

Inactive Switch

A switch in the screen's upper-right corner is labeled "Inactive." Toggle this switch on to see any Enrollees with inactive Enrollments.

bulk transactins, export, print, text, and copy emails on Enrollee Table

Check out this article for more about Inactive Accounts in Enrollsy: How to search for an Inactive Account.

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