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About Private Programs

Learn more about the ins and outs of Private Programs

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

There may be instances where you might need a Program to be private, meaning it is unlisted and unavailable using your public/general enroll link. Here are some use cases for Private Programs:

  • A lot of enrollment funnels into a specific Program

  • Information requests

  • Private Events

  • Private one-on-one Classes

  • Facility tours

  • Interviews

  • Staff enrollment

  • One-on-one tutoring or other sessions

  • Membership-type Programs

  • "Waitlist" Program

  • Registration-only Program

  • Programs with custom Payment Plans

  • Gift Card Program

What does it mean when a Program is "private"? Here are some issues to keep in mind when creating a Private Program:

  • Private Programs will NOT be available on the public Enroll Form; they can only be accessed from the private link.

  • Private Programs are NOT accessible on the Customer Portal. All customers MUST use the private link.

  • Private Programs and their Classes can be displayed on the Browse page, but these offerings will not display an "Enroll Now" button or capacities. There is a setting under "Advanced" in the Program settings that has to be checked for Private Programs to be displayed on the Browse page.

  • Program Options for private AND public Programs cannot be the same. By "Program Options," we mean the options you give like "Program Name," "Schedule," "Days," etc. If any of your private AND public Programs have the SAME options (especially the same name), only one will appear on the Enroll Form. NOTE: Nicknames are not seen by customers so they can be the same.

  • Admin Users MUST test Private Programs using either an incognito browser or a browser they are NOT logged into Enrollsy on.

  • Classes HAVE to be created within all Programs and have a capacity in order for the Program to show up on the Enroll Form.

  • Be sure to PUBLISH your Enrollment Period or your Private Programs will not be visible on the Enroll Form.

  • Once an Enrollment Period is published, all Programs within it will be visible EXCEPT Private Programs.

  • Private links are only available at the Program level (not Enrollment Period or Class levels).

  • If you share a Class within a Private Program with a public/non-private Program, the Private Class will take on the characteristics of the public one. See more about sharing Classes here.

  • If there are some Programs in the same Enrollment Period that you need to close enrollment for, then you can make the ones that are still open Private.

  • Private links will say "private" in the URL after they are copied and pasted into your browser like such:

    private links in Enrollsy

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