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Complete Your Application(s)

Follow these steps to complete your Merchant Account Applications

Caroline Hilton avatar
Written by Caroline Hilton
Updated over 2 months ago

EnrollsyPay offers a Credit/Debit card solution as well as an ACH solution. You will need to apply for each of these if you intend to accept both ACH and Credit/Debit card payments. To complete your Merchant Account Applications, simply follow the links outlined below.

All you'll need to do is follow the steps prompted in the applications, but here are some helpful tips:

  • Keep an eye out for emails sent from,, and after completion.

  • Payment Processing Volumes - Both applications ask for your payment processing volumes on a single, daily, monthly, and annual basis. If you exceed this limit at any point, your payments will be blocked! Please take the time to think through what these limits look like for your company.

  • Online Portal Access - Remember who you give online portal access to. This portal may be helpful later as you begin to reconcile your accounts. Learn more about accessing these accounts.

  • Ownership Details -The merchant account application requires ownership information and personal information for a person who has financial ownership or authority over their bank account and finances. This applies to non-profit and for-profit organizations alike. This requirement was set forth around 2015 as an extension of the Patriot Act. So, if you haven't applied for a merchant account since that time, this may be news to you, but please know this is a universal requirement in the US. To learn more, please select the Beneficial Ownership Requirements document attached below.

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