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Event History

Viewing your Dispatch Event History on the Manager Dashboard

Matt Doiron avatar
Written by Matt Doiron
Updated over a year ago

Event History

Once a dispatch event is closed it is removed from the dispatch console. To access closed dispatch events, click on Dispatch > Event History from the side navigation.

Dispatch Event History – Main Screen

  1. Use the search filters to locate a specific event or events. Click the “Search” button to initiate a search and click the “Clear Filters” button to remove any search filters and show all closed events.

  2. By default, events are sorted by most recent date. You can use the arrows beside the specified headers to sort the results in either ascending/descending order.

  3. Click the icon under the View Event column to open a read-only copy of that event.

    • From the view screen, if the event is linked to an incident report, you can see the report(s) it is linked to by clicking on the “Linked Incident Reports” button.

  4. Click the icon under the Edit Event column to make changes to a closed event.

    • If a closed event needs to be re-opened, you can click the Re-Open button on either the view or edit screen. This will send the event back to the dispatch console.

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