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How to Get Started with Giftbit

Send your first reward with these instructions

Matthew avatar
Written by Matthew
Updated over a week ago

๐Ÿ’ก Read our quick start guide here

Send your first reward with these steps:

Keep reading for detailed instructions.

Make a Template

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The template defines what type of gift card can be redeemed, at what value, and for what period of time.

Go to Templates and click on "New Template".

  1. Choose a template name.

  2. Write a subject line for the reward email.

  3. Drag and drop your RBG color JPEG or PNG image file into the header image boundary. The image will be resized to 430 pixels x 120 pixels.

  4. Write a message to recipients of the reward. If you include the embedded data tag {{recipient_firstname}} in the message, each reward email will have a personalized greeting.

  5. Click on the dollar value to set up your rewards

    1. Set your Region (Canada or USA)

    2. Value of your reward

    3. Full Catalog or Customized

      1. Full Catalog allows for all brands available at the value you set to be picked from (except Physical Visa)

      2. Customized allows for you to select which options your recipients have access to.

  6. Scroll down to the date to set the expiry date

  7. Click Save and Exit

Add Contacts

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Contacts allows you send directly through the Giftbit app to your recipients!

Go to Contacts and click Import Contacts.

  1. Create a CSV, TSV, or XLSX file with three columns

    1. Email (Required)

    2. First Name (Optional)

    3. Last name (Optional)

  2. Click "Import Contacts" in the top right and then upload the file by dragging or click the upload field.

    1. Set the three columns correctly to match your file set up

    2. Set the "tag" field as well to find your list easily when placing an order

  3. Click Upload to process the file.

A processing animation will appear. The page will refresh when your contacts are ready.

Place your order

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Order is the final step to get your rewards out to your recipients.

Go to Orders and click New Order.

  1. Click on Choose Template in the template section. The template drawer will open. Select your template from the list.

  2. Click on Email to Contacts in the delivery section. The contacts drawer will open. Select your tagged contact list from the left side of the contacts drawer.

  3. Click Done

  4. Pricing will be shown once the order has a template and a list of contacts.

  5. If you have credits available, just click "Submit Order" to send it. If not, follow the below steps.

    1. Click Payment

    2. If billing info is already added to your account, double check the amount and click "Place Order" to charge the card.

    3. If billing info is not added, enter your credit card info and then click "Place Order" to charge the card.

      1. If Paying by Wire, Click the "Pay Later" checkbox to put the order into pending. When funds are confirmed in your account, the order will automatically go out!

You did it! Rewards will be sent to your contacts within minutes.

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