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V3 - CRM - Clients (User)
V3 - CRM - Clients (User)
Updated over a week ago


Frequently Asked Questions

List of Features

  • You can send emails to clients

  • You can send chats to clients. New

  • You can save personal and other data in your file

  • The customer can choose their preferred language to see the app and notifications in that language. New

  • The system checks the validity of the DNI. New

  • There may be a different email for invoices. New

  • Automatic invoices can be sent by email to the client. New

  • With the Bill to field you can pass payments from family members to the owner. New

  • The client can be assigned multiple tags, useful for restrictions and/or advantages of the client with the club

  • You can add as many comments as you want to a customer's file to act as a CRM

  • You can see the history of reservations, collections, sales, invoices, bonuses, fees and deposits

  • The client can have as many bank accounts as they wish for receipts

  • The client can have a level in different sports (golf -> handicap, paddle tennis -> level). New

  • You can contract directly from the client's file: fee, bonus, deposit. New

  • You can pay invoices or pending sales from the customer's file. New

  • You can open a POS with your name from your file

  • Clients can be exported to Excel

  • Clients and/or their data can be imported/updated from Excel

  • The client has access to the website and app with the information fully synchronized

  • You can copy a client's file, useful when you want to copy family members and their contact information

  • You can add comments in the Activity tab where you can attach files

  • You can associate the center card with a client to remove balls, go through turnstiles, etc.

  • You can associate an alias to the client. The alias is a utility that can be used for many things. The alias will appear in this player's reserve cell below the name

  • You can mark a client as featured . It will make this client appear at the top of the client list when you go to make a reservation, etc. New


Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customers

Special buttons

  • New:

    • Fill in the desired information

    • Select Save . The new client will have been created

  • Actions:

    • Create an email.

      • From the Main Menu > Settings > App Market . You have to install the Mailings module

      • From the Main Menu > Settings > General > Email Section. You have to configure your company email account

      • Search and select your client(s) using the search tools (filters, search engine, etc.)

      • Select Create email . An email pop up will appear:

        • Subject. Write the subject for your email. This will be seen in your client's inbox.

        • Message . Write the content of your email. This section can be written in normal text or html:

          • Adding content directly in plain text . We recommend not adding the images directly here, but using the html text from the next point

          • Adding the text in HTML. You have to select the <> symbol from the options in the toolbar of this field.

  • To create a template in HTML format . If you don't know how to create HTML code, the best option is to use an editor. On Google you can find many free HTML editors and, among them, a very simple one:

    • On the right side you create the message using a simple text editor

    • On the left side it will be created automatically with the HTML code

    • Once finished, copy the codes on the left side

    • And you paste it in the Golfmanager System Description (don't forget to select the <> symbol to paste the codes in html)

  • Select Save .

    NOTE . The email(s) will be sent automatically. You will be redirected to the shipment detail so that you can see the execution of the task to know if everything went well or if an error occurred.

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Selecting an ID or creating a New customer


Special buttons

  • Edit

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Login as the client

    • Add activity

    • Edit activity

    • Set password

    • Copy

    • Eliminate

  • POS

General Section

  • Photo . Edit to add a photo to the client. This photo will appear on the occupancy plan and in the customer area

  • Name surname . In this version you can separate the first and last names

  • Individual / Company. Select an option

  • E-mail. It is a unique field, that is, two clients cannot have the same email as this is the way to identify themselves in the client area. In the case of a child, you can use the field another email that is not unique. This is the main field for the user's email. All information will be sent to this email by default.

  • Other email. This option has been added for special situations, such as when a user does not have their own email. For example, in a family, children who do not have email can have their father or mother's email in the โ€œOther Emailโ€ field.

    Note for sending information:

    • If both fields, Email and Other Email, are completed, the information will be sent to the Primary Email.

    • If the Email field is empty, the information will be sent to Other Email.

  • Phone

  • Another phone

  • Birthdate

  • Disable notifications. Activate this option to disable the sending of confirmation emails, reminders and general notifications. There are cases in which the client requests not to receive confirmation emails, reminders, notifications, etc. For these cases, this checkbox has been enabled that allows you to deactivate the sending of these emails. If the customer does not wish to receive emails, simply select this checkbox in the customer's profile. The only notifications that will always be sent are those related to security, such as password reset.

  • Gender

  • Company

  • Blocked - can't make online bookings

  • Language

  • Membership number

  • Center card . This card number will be used by the customer to draw balls or go through a turnstile with their membership card.

  • Alias . Useful field in case of an agency. With this alias the user will be able to see the reservation cell with the name of the player and โ€œwhoโ€ brought it. In the case of the photo, Golf Breaks' alias is GB . This way I know that the player Rafa is going to come through Golf Breaks

  • Outstanding . If you check the option, the client will appear first in the client search engines when booking, POS, etc. This option can be useful for those fields where a few clients make the majority of reservations (resorts). This way you won't have to search for them by typing their name

  • Tags . These tags are very useful to filter your database, create reservation rules or dynamic prices

  • Tags . Useful tags are added for this client. Ex. Xโ‚ฌ pending payment

Hotel Tag Section

  • hotel etiquette

  • Booking reference

  • Entry date

  • Departure date

Address Section

  • Street

  • Street 2

  • City

  • Region

  • Postal Code

  • Country

Billing Information Section

  • VAT Number . It is also a unique field, that is, two clients cannot have the same ID

  • Foreign VAT number. Activate or deactivate this option

  • IBAN

  • BIC

  • Term of office

  • Domiciliate receipts

  • Invoice email

    • Send invoices by email. Activate this option to automatically send invoices by email when creating a new invoice in our billing system for this client.

      Note: You must have the Send by email automatically option activated in the Settings menu > Billing > Settings > Invoices section.

  • Send invoices by email

  • Observations on invoice . V3 allows you to put comments on the invoice in each payment method. This way, when a client, for example, goes to pay an invoice by Bank Transfer, they will see these observations with instructions and account number at the bottom of their invoice. The text you enter here will automatically be added to invoices that have this payment method programmed.

  • Bill to . All sales billed to this customer will be generated to this other customer selected in this field

  • Get paid automatically

  • Preferred payment method

  • Tax exempt

  • Payment Terms. Use the drop-down menu to select one of the following options if you wish. Once you have set up the payment terms on the client's card, every time you generate an invoice for that client, the system will automatically fill in the Due Date field in the billing pop-up with the option you previously selected.

    • Early Payment

    • 15 days

    • 30 days

    • 60 days

    • 90 days

  • On credit. Activate this field if you want a client to be on credit.

    • When making a booking, it will be highlighted with an orange sidebar in the Occupancy view, indicating that the reservation is on credit. From the Booking List you can add an additional column to the list that tells you whether a reservation is on credit or not.

    • In the Sales List, the Pending Payment status will be displayed in orange, indicating that the sale is on credit. In addition, you can add an additional column to the list that tells you whether a sale is on credit or not.

    • At the POS, credit reservations are also displayed with an orange side strip, allowing you to easily identify credit transactions directly at the point of sale.

  • Accounting account. This field is required if you want to export the data to your accounting system. In most integrations, if this field is empty, they are exported to a generic account.


  • General . Generic customer information, address, contact, etc.

  • Comments . Here you can add a comment history to keep track of your client

  • Sales . All sales created to this customer. The possibility of paying, editing or deleting them from your file is included.

  • Collections .

  • Bookings . All reservations enjoyed by this customer

  • Participating reservations .

  • Levels . This client's level of play in different sports (tennis, paddle tennis, golf-hcp), etc.

  • Beneficiary reservations .

  • Bills . All invoices created to this customer. The possibility of creating, editing, deleting and/or paying from this tab is included.

  • Deposits . Amount of money in the customer's account to pay for future purchases. The possibility of adding a new deposit to the client and the history of movements is included.

  • Bonds . Balance of the different bonuses (wallet, units) of this client. The possibility of adding a new recharge to the client and the history of movements is included.

  • Contacts .

  • Dues .

  • Actions.

  • Relationships . With this functionality you can relate clients to each other and decide if they are friends or family. These relationships will help the player to be able to book for them:

    • Select the New button to make a new request:

      • Customer . The name of the Client that has been selected is displayed by default.

      • Relationship . Find the name of the client you want to add in the dropdown

      • Guy. Select one of the options:

        • Friend

        • Familiar

      • State . By default, Accepted is selected, but there are more options:

        • Sent

        • Accepted (default)

        • declined

        • Blocked up

      • Select the Save button


NOTE . The client can also make requests for new relationships from their online profile.


Section: Main Menu > CRM > Mailings

Special buttons

  • New:

    • Qualification

    • Text : To edit the content of a message in HTML format, the best option is to use an editor:

      • On the web you can find many free HTML editors and among them, a simple and effective one is

      • In the HTML editor you create the message using a simple text editor that will automatically create the HTML code that you must copy into the body of the message with Ctrl+C.

      • HMTL vision mode by selecting the < > symbol

      • Paste the content into the body of the message with Ctrl+V.

  • Actions:

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Selecting an ID

Special buttons

  • Edit

  • New

  • Actions:

    • Start

    • Pause

    • Copy

    • Eliminate

Customer area

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customer Area

It is the online reservation website for customers

Customer tags

In this list we can see all the tags associated with our clients.

Client zone files

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customer Area Files

  • Select the New button

  • Fill in the following fields:

    • Name

    • Section

    • Archive

  • Select the Save button

Birthday Template

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customer Area Files

Here you will find a default template to congratulate your clients' birthdays.

Member actions

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Partner Actions

An action is the purchase of securities of a social club by a client. With this module what we intend is to have a list with all the titles and integrate it with our client list to be able to have all the information in their file.
This module also allows you to transfer shares from one client to another, so you can consult the history of movements of all your securities.

Special buttons

  • Customer . Select a client from your database from the drop-down menu

  • Number

  • Qualification

  • Series

  • Save button, the Transmissions section appears :

    • Transfer Button :

      • Seller . The selected client is displayed by default

      • Buyer . Select a client from your database from the drop-down menu

      • Price

      • Date

      • Observations

    • Subscriptions: It is possible to link a series of shares to a share, allowing you to see at a glance which shares are associated with a shareholder's share. To link a new share to a share, from the POS, select the Subscriptions button to create the new share and a field called Share will appear. In the drop-down menu of this field, select the Share you want to link the share to.

    • Arquives: You have the option to attach files related to a share, such as the initial contract or other important documents.

      • Select the New button.

      • Add a description as the file title and select the file.

Hotel records

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Hotel Records

In this list you will see the hotel records created by clients through the website (/register?guest=true). The system will automatically create a tag based on the hotel you select and based on the settings made in the Hotel Tags section .

  • Hotel

  • Customer

  • Entry date

  • Departure date

  • Booking reference

Customer tag

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customer Tag


The customer tag is one of the key concepts since access to certain rates, recharges, etc. will depend on it. It can also be known as Client Collective , with the novelty that the same client can have one or more tags.

These tags can be:

  • Manuals . The customer tag is entered manually in the customer file. E.g. partner, women's league, allergic, etc.

  • Automatic . It is another module that automatically adds the tag to the client's file. This is very good because the tag will be associated with that module and can be canceled automatically. For example, when contracting a quota we can tell the system to add the partner tag to the new client's file. From that moment on, and thanks to the tag, the player will automatically begin to enjoy member benefits (new schedules, rates, discounts, etc.). When the quota expires, the tag, depending on that quota, will be removed from the client's file, becoming a normal client and they will lose all privileges for not having renewed their quota. All this automatically.

The modules that add automatic tags to the customer file are:

  • Dues . As long as the quota is active, the customer will have that tag. See the quota settings to enjoy this functionality.

  • Bonds . As long as the customer has a voucher with a balance and it is valid, the customer will have that tag. See the bonus settings to enjoy this functionality.

  • Groups (Academy). As long as the client is enrolled in an active course, they will have that active tag on their record. When creating the group (course) you can choose the tag to enjoy this functionality.

General Section

  • Name . Put the name for your different tags. This is the name that will appear on the client's file.โ€‹

  • Default . Activate this option if you want this tag to be used for customers who do not have a tag in their profile. This is very useful so you don't have to add a v every time you create a new tab. Normally the Visitor tag is checked by default .

  • Public

Hotel tags

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Hotel Tags

The hotel tag will restrict the hotel customer from accessing certain rates, recharges, etc. It can also be known as Client Collective , with the novelty that the same client can have one or more tags.

These tags can be:

  • Manuals . The customer tag is entered manually in the customer file. E.g. partner, women's league, allergic, etc.

  • Automatic . It is another module that automatically adds the tags to the client's file. This is very good because the tag will be associated with that module and can be canceled automatically. From that moment on, and thanks to the tag, the player will automatically begin to enjoy hotel customer benefits (new schedules, rates, discounts, etc.). When the tag expires, it will be removed from the customer's record, becoming a normal customer and losing all privileges. All this automatically.

The module that adds automatic tags to the hotel guest file is:

The fields to fill out in this section are:

  • Hotel

  • Tag


Section: Configuration menu > CRM > Configuration

General section

  • Banner. Add a photo for the header of the web page that users will see. It is important that you use a photo between 200 and 500 Kb so that the web page does not take long to load, and that it is well optimized so that it looks good.

  • Banner color. Header background color in case you do not have header photos or photos in the areas. Here you can choose your corporate color.

  • Background color. Header background color in case you do not have header photos or photos in the areas. Here you can choose your corporate color.

  • Languages. Multiple languages โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹selectable for the consumer website. Select one or more languages โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹from the drop-down:

    • Catalan

    • Spanish

    • French

    • Galician

    • Portuguese

    • Dutch

    • English

    • English GB

    • ืขึดื‘ืจึดื™ืช

  • Large Logo. Enable this option if you want the logo in the consumer view to be larger than the default size.

  • Allow in iframe. Enable/disable this option

  • Access only registered customers. Allows access to the customer area to customers who have an account. Useful for social fields where you do not want any user to enter.

  • Allow online registration. If you allow visitors who enter your website to create an account by themselves. Useful for open fields that want to collect data from their customers.

  • Allow deleting the account. Enable/disable this option

  • Registered customer label. Label that will be added to customers who create an online account. Normally โ€œVisitorโ€. This label will be important to be able to segment your customers.

  • Company name that will be visible at the bottom of your website.

  • Company data that will be seen at the bottom of your website.

Google Analytics section

For more information, go to this link.

  • Google Analytics ID

Checkout Section

Show cart preview. Enable/disable this option

Registration fields

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Registration Fields

  • Select the New button

  • Select a record field from the dropdown

  • Select the Save button


Section: Main Menu > CRM > Birthdays

  • Auto send Enabled : Enable or leave disabled

Profile fields

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Profile Fields

From the consumer website, a customer can see several default fields in their profile. From here you can add more fields.

Special buttons

  • New:

    • Field

  • Actions:

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Links at the bottom of the page

Section: Configuration Menu > CRM > Footer Links

Special buttons

  • New:

    • Name. Obligatory field. Add a name

    • URL. Add a link if you want it to take you to another page.

    • If you want to create a page from the system, go to this link to create it from the Templates module:

      • Name > terms or privacy

      • Type > Page

      • The URL to use would be:

        • terms://consumer/page?name=terms

        • privacy://consumer/page?name=privacy

    • Archive. Select a file from your device if you want to be taken to that file

    • Priority

  • Actions:

    • Export

    • Export (all columns)

    • Matter

    • See the trash

    • Edit mode

    • Bulk editing

Home cards

Section: Configuration Menu > CRM > Home Cards

You can add more cards or buttons on the consumer area page:

  • Text that will appear on the card.

  • URL to which the client will be taken when selecting on the card. It has to start with an extra โ€œ/โ€:

    • Activities. //consumer/activities

    • Blog. URL://blog

  • Priority

  • Image

  • Background color

Home widgets

Section: Configuration Menu > CRM > Home Widgets

You will be able to add a widget on the consumer zone page, select New.

  • Type:

    • Weather.

    Shows the updated weather forecast for the selected location, providing information on temperature, weather conditions and future forecasts, the weather is displayed at 12:00. To configure the installation location, go to this link (Settings Menu > System > General > Location Section).

    • Text and description.

    It allows you to add custom text blocks and descriptions, ideal for advertisements, news or any type of relevant information that you want to highlight on the main page.

    • Text title

    • Button Text

    • URL you want the customer to be redirected to when selecting the button

    • Description

    • Image:

It offers the possibility of adding attractive visual images, which can be used to highlight promotions, special events or any visually striking content on the home page.

URL you want the client to be redirected to when selecting the image.

Image you want to add to the widget.


Determines the order in which widgets appear on the home page. Widgets with lower priority will be displayed at the top of the page, while those with higher priority will appear further down.

Customer tags

Section: Configuration Menu > CRM > Customer Tags


The customer tag is one of the key concepts since access to certain rates, recharges, etc. will depend on it. It can also be known as Client Collective, with the novelty that the same client can have one or more tags.

These tags can be:

Manuals. The customer tag is entered manually in the customer file. E.g. partner, women's league, allergic, etc.

Automatic. It is another module that automatically adds the tag to the client's file. This is very good because the tags will be associated with that module and can be canceled automatically. For example, when contracting a quota we can tell the system to add the partner tags to the new client's file. From that moment on, and thanks to the tag, the player will automatically begin to enjoy member benefits (new schedules, rates, discounts, etc.). When the quota expires, the tags, depending on that quota, will be removed from the client's file, becoming a normal client and they will lose all privileges for not having renewed their quota. All this automatically.

The modules that add automatic tags to the customer file are:

Dues. As long as the quota is active, the customer will have that tag. See the quota settings to enjoy this functionality.

Bonds. As long as the customer has a voucher with a balance and it is valid, the customer will have that tag. See the bonus settings to enjoy this functionality.

Groups (Academy). As long as the client is enrolled in an active course, they will have that active tag on their record. When creating the group (course) you can choose the tags to enjoy this functionality.

General Section

Name. Put the name for your different tags. This is the name that will appear on the client's file.โ€‹

Default. Activate this option if you want this tag to be used for customers who do not have a tag in their profile. This is very useful so you don't have to add a tag every time you create a new tab. Normally the Visitor tag is checked by default.


Files section

Section: Main Menu > CRM > File Section

  • Name

  • Priority

  • Image

Frequently Asked Questionsโ€‹

How to create a client > From other plugins

From other plugins you have the possibility of creating new clients. Every time you see a select customer field you can search the existing database and, below that list, the possibility of creating a new customer . When these are created from other plugins, they will automatically appear in your client list .

How to create a client > From the client area

Section: Main Menu > Configuration > Customer Area

Customers will be able, as long as you have it enabled, to create an account from the customer area. These profiles will also appear directly in your database. To enable or disable account creation from the customer area, activate/deactivate this Allow online registration option .

Customers. How to edit a client > From the client list

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customers

  • Search for your client using the search tools (filters, search engine, etc.)

  • Select the Reference of the desired client

  • Select Edit

  • Edit the desired information

  • Select Save . The new client will have been edited

Customers. How to delete a client > From the client list

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Customers

  • Search for your client using the search tools (filters, search engine, etc.)

  • You can continue in two ways:

    • Select in the Checkbox of your customer's row, select in Actions , Move to trash and Confirm

    • Select the Reference of the desired client to enter their file and select Actions and Move to Trash

NOTE . Clients are never deleted, they are transferred to a trash can where you can recover them at any time.

Customers. How to assign a physical or QR card to a customer. Introduction to cards

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Clients

You can associate a physical card or a QR with a client or partner. With this card or QR the member will be able to:

  • Removing balls from the driving range machine

  • Go through an entry/exit turnstile

  • Go through a door

To operate with cards you will need:

  • Proximity cards, also known as mifare

  • A proximity card reader

  • Hire the services of a provider that connects the machine with Golfmanager. Eg. Simec.

  • Download the supplier module. E.g. Simec

To operate with QR:

  • Hire the services of a provider that connects the machine with Golfmanager. E.g. Simec

  • Download the supplier module. E.g. Simec

NOTE . This card number will be visible in the player's APP through a QR code. That is, the client will be able to identify themselves with the center card and/or the QR. Both numbers are the same.

โ€‹NOTE . When you install a provider module, when creating/saving a customer, the system will auto-generate a card number for the customer. This auto-generated number can be replaced later with the card number you scan or any manual number. This is so that the system always generates a QR for the client for the APP. In this way, a customer who downloads the APP will be able to recharge their ball card and withdraw balls without having to interact with reception or obtain a physical card.

Customers. How to assign a physical or QR card to a customer. How to associate a physical card with a customer

Section: Main Menu > CRM > Clients

  • Search and select your client(s) using the search tools (filters, search engine, etc.)

  • Select Edit

  • Select in the Center Card field so that the courses are within that field

  • Bring the member's physical card closer to the card reader. You will see how the code is written in the center card field

  • Select Save

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โ€‹Customers. How to assign a physical or QR card to a customer. How to associate a QR code with a customer

When you have downloaded a module like Simec, the system will autogenerate a center card in each customer file. This code will be shown in the APP customer profile. With this QR the player will be able to draw balls or go through a turnstile. To do this you will need, as we have already said, a supplier such as Simec. Therefore, you only need to contract the provider, download the V3 module from the provider, and everything is generated automatically.

โ€‹NOTE . This code auto-generated by the system can be replaced by the club if it wishes, either by scanning a proximity card or assigning it manually.

โ€‹NOTE . The QR is only visible online in mobile or App mode.

Import from excel

In most lists, within the Actions button, we will find the functionality to import records from an Excel sheet. To be able to carry out this action:

Export a record of this list to Excel to see its structure. If there is no record, make up one that we will later delete

Paste the records you want to import into Excel. Keep in mind that some records are text type (these won't give you problems) and others are what we call related listings. In these cases we will have to enter a number. For example, in the gender of a client we will not put Female but we will put a 2. Ask the support team for help if you have problems with any field

Once you have the Excel saved, return to the list where you want to import, click on Actions -> Import from Excel

Select the Excel

Select Accept


NOTE. If there are any records with errors, the system will display an error window where it will allow you to reverse the entire process or continue only with the import of valid records.
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