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How to customise Talk channels for a class activation
How to customise Talk channels for a class activation

Manage users can set up the Talk channels specific to a particular class activation.

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over 3 months ago

Manage users can set up Talk channels for any class activation. They can be configured under the Details tab when activating a class.

Note: to use Talk channels please ensure that the Social features toggle (also found under Details) is set to Yes.

How to include a private support channel

You can decide whether you want to have a private facilitator support channel. Set the toggle to On if you want learners to be able to talk directly, and privately, with their facilitator(s).

Image showing the Private Support Channel enabled for the activation

How to edit public Talk channels for a class activation

If your organisation has set up default public Talk channels you'll see them listed here.

You can add, remove or reorder channels.

If you have a private support channel, that will always show at the top of the table as Facilitator support.

Image showing the list of talk Channel enabled for the activation

Talk channels can be either full access or broadcast-only.

  • Full access allows all learners and facilitators to create new posts and reply to existing ones.

  • Broadcast-only means only facilitators can post messages, but learners can respond.

How to set up group Talk channels

Group Talk channels need to be set up by contacting our support team or via API. Group Talk channels allow only learners in that group to access the group channel. This can be useful for group tasks or workshops. Group Talk channels can be set up with random or specified allocation.

  • Random allocation uses a set number of groups which your learners are automatically and randomly assigned to when they first login.

  • Specified allocation uses a set number of groups to which you assign specific learners.

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