Blended learning course

Find out the structure of the blended learning course so you can see if it's for you.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated this week

The blended learning course is designed based on a week-by-week course where learners would have face-to-face sessions with a facilitator 1-2 times per week. We've gone with a flipped model where learners would do some pre-reading/watching, then try out some practice activities. The idea is that this leaves the face-to-face sessions free for just focusing on specific problem areas and discussing things as a group.

Here's the structure for this course.

Image showing the list of content in the course

The Appendix section also includes some templates for specific kinds of tasks. These are focused on different ways you can make the learning active and are divided into two sections of:

  • Example tasks to accompany pre-reading/watching

  • Example class discussion strategies

Want to see what other shared courses are available? Check out: Our iQualify shared courses.

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