Overview of SSO
Single Sign-on (SSO) allows you to sign into iQualify using existing login credentials. For example, if your organisation or learning provider uses Office 365, you can use your login for Office 365 to log in to iQualify.
Learn more: If you're an account owner wanting to set up SSO for your organisation, check out How to set up Single Sign On.
How SSO improves security
Your organisation may have enabled SSO to improve their cyber security - the fewer times you have to log in, the less chance there is of having your password hacked. Having SSO also reduces the need for password assistance due to password fatigue, and can improve your learning experience by reducing the amount of time you spend logging into your learning environment.
Finding out which login details to use
SSO is all managed by your organisation. If your organisation has set up SSO, when you login to your iQualify environment, you'll be redirected to a different login screen.
Most methods of logging in should provide you with an option if you have forgotten your username or password. If they don't, you'll need to reach out to your organisation's helpdesk to guide you through logging in.
Some organisations use SSO for learners, but have local logins for other roles (facilitators, authors etc.) if so, you'll see another login to use option below the main one (as in the Facilitator login option in the image below).
Local logins (using the blue link) have the option to reset their password via iQualify if they've forgotten it.
Not sure where to log in?
If you're trying to figure out how to get to your organisation's iQualify environment, enter your email on our not sure where to log in page and if that email is associated with an iQualify environment, we'll send you a link of where to login.