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Technology troubleshooting - frequently asked questions
Technology troubleshooting - frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions: Logging in, using your browser and recording from your webcam for authors, facilitators, coaches and learners.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 2 months ago

Logging in

Where do I log in?

Can't remember the URL for your iQualify environment? Not sure where to login? Head to Our Need help logging in? page, Enter your email address, and we’ll send you a link to your login page.

What login email address have I used?

Head to the support section of our site, and scroll down to Need help logging in? Enter your email address, and if we have an associated account, you'll get a link to your login page.

Note: You do have a separate profile option to add a preferred contact email address, but this address is never used for logging in, or as part of the forgotten password process.

How do I change my login email?

If enabled by your learning provider you can change your preferred contact email address, but your organisation/learning provider sets your Account login email. Contact your organisation to ask about changes to your Account login email.

How do I reset my password?

Head to your iQualify site (see What is my iQualify website? if you're unsure), enter the login email for your account and choose Forgot password? This will send a link to your login email. If you don't receive an email, check your spam folder.

If you don't see this button your account may be set up with SSO so you'll need to contact your learning provider to reset your account.

How do I bookmark a page?

We don't expect you'll remember your iQualify site off by heart, so, you might want to bookmark it.

Head to How To Bookmark Webpages On Any Browser and follow the instructions for the browser you're using.

Internet browsers

Which browser should I use?

iQualify works well on all modern browsers. For example, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Why shouldn't I use Internet Explorer?

Microsoft are no longer supporting Internet Explorer, and it is not a modern browser. Even Microsoft really doesn’t want you to use Internet Explorer anymore.

How do I "open my console"?

The console is a tool in your browser that logs information that might give clues about any issue that you may be experiencing.

Note: Your browser console is different from your facilitator Class Console.

If you're ever asked to provide a screenshot of console errors, for most browsers you'll:

1. Right-click on the page.
2. Select Inspect Element.
3. Select the Console tab at the top of the window that opens.

Below are links to instructions for different browsers:
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge

How do I clear my cache and cookies?

Your browser has a folder that stores certain things such as images, buttons, and submissions for future use. This helps pages to load faster by not having to download each element.

See How to clear your browser cache and choose the link to the browser at the bottom of that page.

How do I turn off browser extensions and why should I?

Browser extensions - especially ones that scan the content on the page like image searchers, aggregators, and spelling and grammar checkers, constantly take up available memory. This can impact the learning experience, and so we recommend turning off any browser extensions that seem to be interfering with iQualify.

If you're unsure if your browser extensions are getting in the way, try working in incognito. If it works in incognito, browser extensions are likely to have caused the issue.

Learn more: For more help with broswer extensions see How to troubleshoot browser extensions.

Something's gone wrong... what should I do?

Below are a series of steps that can rectify some common issues. Try the following, in order, and check after each to see if any of these resolve the issue for you:

  • Refresh the page.

  • Access the course using private/incognito mode (this opens the page without any of your browser extensions which can often cause issues).

  • Log out, and back in again.


How do I enable my webcam?

If you're taking an image or recording a video via iQualify, before recording, you'll be prompted to enable your webcam.

Popup message saying "Please allow us to enable your webcam".

If you've already used your webcam before, it should automatically load after a second or two. You can choose the default by selecting Camera/Microphone and choosing from the dropdown options.

If the above isn't working for you, you might need to check the set up of your device. See the following support articles for more information:

Got another question that isn't answered here?

As a learner or facilitator, your learning provider, or their helpdesk, should be your first port-of-call for all enquiries regarding iQualify.

You can get support details for your course provider by clicking the phone handset icon at the bottom of any page in your iQualify environment.

As an account owner, author or manager, let us know what your issue is by contacting us or using the in-app help.

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