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New at Let's Do This: October
New at Let's Do This: October

Features, updates & fixes we've been working on.

Rob Fearn avatar
Written by Rob Fearn
Updated over 5 months ago

Charge an admin fee on peer to peer transfers

New & improved participant self-serve functionality offers you the ability to set an admin fee for transfers to another person. Set a fee and cut-off date, and let your participants manage their own transfers seamlessly.

Coming soon: this release is the one of three improvements we're making to participant self-serve transfers: look out for event-to-event transfers, and race-to-race (i.e. within the same event) transfers coming later this year.

Create custom rules with purchase limits & basket restrictions

Set specific booking restrictions on tickets: for example, requiring an adult to accompany every two children, or mandating volunteer sign-ups alongside team entries. These restrictions offer you greater control and ensure the right people are in the right place at your events with ease.

Payment Plans Improvement: Track Payment Progress

You can keep track of every step in your participants payment plans. New payment plan reporting gives you full visibility into payment progress. Monitor upcoming transactions, identify failed payments, and gain insights to help with financial forecasting.

Analytics Improvement: Dive Deeper with Demographic & Financial Insights

Updates to demographic and financial analytics offer a clearer view of your participants. Understand your median age, gender breakdown, and other key demographics to shape your strategy. Improved financial insights now show trends in average order value (ave. amount of money participants spend per booking) over time, offering more advanced breakdowns for precise financial assessment and forecasting.

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