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Volunteer Sign-Up
Volunteer Sign-Up

Recruit volunteers for your event directly on Let's Do This

Rob Fearn avatar
Written by Rob Fearn
Updated this week

Setting up volunteer registration works the same way as creating a participant ticket. For more details on setting up forms, refer to refer to this article.

Setting Up Roles and Taking Sign-Ups

Log in to your LDT account and navigate to your event dashboard.

Then, select Volunteers, followed by Recruitment Setup.

Creating a Volunteer Opportunity

Provide an overall description of the volunteer opportunities, and highlight the benefits of the roles and outline the responsibilities. This will appear on your event page on Let’s Do This.

Defining Volunteer categories

Under the 'Categories' tab, set up general types of roles available, such as "Medal Presenter" or "Check-In Assistant." You can add specific roles in the next tab.

Setting your Volunteer roles

Under the 'Roles' tab, add detailed descriptions and any necessary requirements for each role, such as the time slots for this specific role.

Setting Up Sign-Up Forms and Questions

Create a list of questions for volunteers to answer when signing up (e.g., availability, relevant experience).

By default, the sign-up form will ask for:

  • Mandatory fields: First name, last name, phone number, participant email, email opt-in.

  • Optional fields: Confirm email, gender, date of birth, address, emergency contact.

You can customise these fields under the Sign-Up Questions tab and create new questions as needed.

Finally, under the Sign-Up Forms tab, you can assign questions to create new forms, and assign forms to certain roles. That way, you have the flexibility to ask different questions based on which role the volunteer is signing up for.

For more information on how forms work on Let's Do This, see customising your booking form fields

Setting up Capacities

For each Volunteer role you can set up a capacity by heading to the capacities section. Select the role, set your capacity & confirm.

Publish Roles and Sign-Up Forms

Under each booking form, enable the Booking Enabled toggle so participants can view and sign up.

Once live, monitor the sign-ups through the dashboard under the Sign-Ups tab in the navigation menu.

Volunteer Confirmation and Management

Once volunteers sign up on your form, they'll receive a confirmation email as a record of their registration.

View an example of the confirmation email

In the Event Dashboard, navigate to the "Volunteers: Sign-Ups" page to view and contact your volunteers directly.

Volunteer Management will soon enable you to allocate and move volunteers between roles, streamlining post-sign-up tasks and ensuring you are ready for event day.

Advertising Volunteer Roles

Each volunteer role has a unique link that you can share directly with potential volunteers or embed on your website.

To find the link, go to Volunteers on your dashboard and select Recruitment Setup.

Copy the volunteer page link & use this on your website or marketing.

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