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My Agent Is Not Getting Notified About ProDispatch Lead Handouts in Slack, Why?
My Agent Is Not Getting Notified About ProDispatch Lead Handouts in Slack, Why?

Helpful troubleshooting steps to take when you have an agent that reports they have not received lead handout notifications in Slack

Sabrina Garrett avatar
Written by Sabrina Garrett
Updated over 10 months ago

ProDispatch Lead Routing Reporting

Are lead handouts actually being sent?

The quickest way to confirm that the lead router is in fact sending leads to your agent would be to check your lead routing reporting under the Handout Stats tab. This report will tell you if a lead has been offered as recently as today and whether or not the agent has claimed any leads.

If you’re able to confirm that the agent is getting offers for leads but is still reporting that they are not getting notified of the handouts in Slack, continue through this article for continued troubleshooting steps.

To learn more about lead routing reporting, please visit this article.

Validate Agent’s SlackID

Use these helpful steps to locate your agent's SlackID. Send the agent's name and SlackID (member ID) to support using the help bubble in the bottom right of your screen.

Verify Configurations

Is this agent eligible for leads? Are they paused from receiving lead handouts? These are a couple of quick things to check if you have an agent that states they are not receiving lead handout notifications in Slack.

Admins are are able to indicate whether or not an Agent is eligible for leads. Additionally, both agents and admins have the ability to pause an an Agent from receiving lead handouts. Some teams have agents that take company paid leads and and some agents that do not. Eligibility should be used to indicate whether or not an agent is actual eligible to receive team leads. Pausing and unpausing agents should be used in cases where someone goes on vacation or needs to slow down lead handouts for a day or two to catch up.

  • Is the agent marked Yes in the ‘Lead Eligible’ field?

    • If the agent is marked as No, they will not receive any offers for leads. This option can only be updated by an admin in MaverickRE.

  • Is the agent marked No in the ‘Paused’ field?

    • If the agent is marked as Yes, they will not receive any offers for leads. This option can be updated by either the agent or an admin.

      • Admins can update an agent’s paused status by simply updating the ‘Paused?’ field to Yes/No accordingly.

      • Eligible agents are able to pause and unpause themselves from lead offers in Slack by using the Slack commands /pause and /unpause.

  • Has the agent hit their target number of leads?

    • Please note that even if they have hit their target number, they will still receive lead handout offers if a lead is not claimed by any other eligible agents. In other words, agents that have already hit their target will be the last to be offered new leads.

Is this agent configured to get the leads that have been offered?

When an agent is reporting that they are not getting lead offers, it’s important to check which price points, areas and specialties they are configured to receive leads from.

Important questions to ask yourself:

Is it possible that there have not been many leads that fall within their parameters?

How was the lead entered into the handout form by the ISA?

To learn more about how the ProDispatch tool works, visit this article.

Does the agent have Slack notifications turned on?

It’s important to check that your agent has their Slack notifications turned on for all messages. This will ensure that they do not miss a post about a handout!

For more information about Slack notification preferences, visit this article.

Uninstall & Reinstall Slack

If the agent configurations are set up correctly and they have their notification preferences set up correctly, instruct your agent to uninstall the Slack app from their phone and then reinstall. Once your agent has reinstalled the Slack app, send a test lead through the ProDispatch lead router to verify that they are getting notified of lead handout notifications again.

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