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Create a Med App 'Campaign'

Step through creating a new Campaign

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over a week ago

If you would like to create a campaign or find out how we can support you in improving impact and efficiency of any change project in your hospital, please contact us at:

Watch a video on how to create a campaign

Step by step guide

  1. Go to the Campaign feature on the dashboard by clicking on the page on the left hand side of the screen. You will see any previously send or ongoing Campaigns on this screen.

  2. Click 'create new campaign' in the top right of the page.

3. Enter in a name for the Campaign.

4. Select the users who will be receiving the Campaign. You can do this by checking the box next to the users (you can use the search bar to find them too), you you can select them by role (i.e. anyone who has that role will be included in the Campaign).

Confirm the details and then click 'create Campaign'.

It will then appear on the overview page and you can start adding exisiting Mailout templates to it, or create new ones.

You can decide to send the Mailout straight away, or 'send later'. If you select 'send later' it will be added to the Campaign and when it is ready to go, you can send it directly from the overview page.

Once you have sent a Mailout from a Campaign, you can track engagement by clicking on it. Below a sent Mailout will be a list of the people who received it and whether they have read it.

At any point you can download the .csv report for that Campaign. Only sent Mailouts will be included in the report. The report shows:

  • Mailout name, 

  • User name, 

  • Date sent, 

  • Date signed 

  • Date last reminder sent.

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