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What is an Action?

Understanding MemberVault Terminology

Hannah Harris avatar
Written by Hannah Harris
Updated over 6 months ago

Actions are one of the most powerful tools you can implement in your MemberVault account! This feature allows you to customize different responses automatically when your member completes a certain task (i.e. creating an account, joining a product, or engaging in your account).

There are two categories of actions you can create in your account:

  1. Member Actions (aka User Actions)

  2. Product Actions

Action Categories

Member actions are located under "Members" > "Actions" in your admin dashboard. The current Member actions you can set are:

  • Creates Account - When anyone new signs up for any one of your products and is new to your MV. You can use this to onboard people into your MV experience.

  • Earns X EP - When a member earns some number of EP. You can use this to unlock products, tag a user or even send yourself an email that this user is super engaged.

  • First Logs In - When a member logs in for the first time. You can use this to tag and communicate with active members.

  • Email Consent Given & Email Consent NOT Given - these are used to support MV's email consent feature which you can read more about here.

  • Leaves Comment - When a member leaves a comment on any product, module or lesson that you have the MV Comments feature enabled.

Product actions are located in each product's edit settings (you can also view a complete list of these under your Member Actions, which is handy when you want to audit all of your Actions in your account).

The current Product actions you can set up are:

  • Added to Product - When someone is added to a product. Depending on the type of product, you'll be able to also choose HOW they were added to the product. If you have multiple payment options set up, you'll be able to respond to certain ones.

  • Becomes Hot Lead - When a member views the product page for this product (and does not own it). You determine the # of views that qualify the user as a Hot Lead.

  • Unlocked Bonus Product - When someone unlocks a product with EP.

  • Earns X Product EP - When someone earns some number of EP inside this product. (not total EP)

  • Star User on Product - When a member completes the product and does so at a rate of 3 days per lesson (or faster). These are your super ENGAGED PEOPLE.

  • Completes Product - When a member completes all the lessons in a product.

  • Completes Module - When a member completes all the lessons in a module.

  • Unlocks Module - When a member unlocks a bonus module with EP.

  • Completes Lesson - When a member completes a lesson.

  • Fails Quiz - When a member fails a quiz for a lesson. Only really used if you are using quiz questions to test for knowledge.

  • Passes Quiz - When a member passes a quiz for a lesson. Only really used if you are using quiz questions to test for knowledge.

  • Chooses Quiz Answer - This can be used for multiple choice quiz questions and will allow you to tweak your messaging to your members based on their response.


Each of these actions comes with their own set of responses, and some responses will only appear in the dropdown menu for certain action triggers where relevant.

On every action, you can add any number of responses to take for that action. These are:

  • Add a Tag - If you have your email platform integrated, this will add whatever tag you want.

  • Send Notification - You can easily send an email notification to yourself or anyone else on your team to let you know when an Action has taken place.

  • Add User to Product - This will give the member access to a certain product, anytime the action happens. This is great for gamification, progressive products, or bundling.
    ​{Please note that you do not need to give access to the product someone has just joined. The system automatically takes care of this when they opt-in to or purchase the product. Creating an action under the product they have joined that grants them access to that product is redundant and not required.}

  • Call a Webhook (advanced) - This will send your member's basic information to the URL you choose in JSON format. This is useful for advanced Zapier alternatives, or custom software. ( details here )

  • Add User to Hello Audio Feed - Only appears if you have integrated your Hello Audio account with your MV account and adds members as listeners to the selected feed.

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Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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