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Mark a Shipment Order Shipped

How to mark a shipment order and where the results appear in the system.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over a week ago

Marking a shipment order shipped is simply the final step in fulfilling the order. This short guide shows you how to manually mark this action in the system.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • First, navigate to the Shipment Order grid.

    • If you have trouble locating this screen, please use the Search option on the menu bar.

  • Choose a shipment order that you want to ship.

    • Keep in mind that you are not allowed to ship a shipment order as long as it's not in ReadyToShip status.

  • Click on Ship Order in upper right corner.

  • The system will ask you if you really want to ship the shipment order, so click on Yes to proceed.

  • After shipping the order, it can be visible on Shipped Orders tab of Shipment Orders screen along with Shipped status.

    • Keep in mind that you are not allowed to do anything to the shipped order such as updation, cancellation or deletion.

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