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Sponsorships - FAQ

Find the answers to your most common questions surrounding the new Sponsorships feature within Bonterra Essential Events Pages!

Updated over a week ago

How do I access the option to add Sponsorships to my Essential Events page?

The Sponsorships feature is available only with our new Essential Events pages. If you are currently using our Events Lite pages, and would like to speak with someone about adding Essential Events to your subscription, click here!

Why can’t I see the option to add a Sponsorship when I’m setting up my Essential Events page?

Sponsorships can be added once the page has been set up completely. You can add them by navigating to the “Tickets & Sponsorships” tab, located under your Event Overview.

How do I add a Sponsorship level?

First, click on the “Tickets & Sponsorships” tab under your Event Overview. You should be able to see any existing ticket types you have already created for your Essential Event, as well as a box below prompting you to “Add Sponsorship Level.”

Once you’ve clicked on that “Add Sponsorship Level" button, a pop-up will appear and prompt you to fill in any relevant information for this sponsorship level (i.e. name, description, price, fair market value, etc.)

Once you’ve filled in that info, you can click the “Create Sponsorship Level” button to complete the process. You should then see the sponsorship listed in a new “Sponsorships” box, under that same tab.

If you need to add additional Sponsorship Levels, you can do so by clicking the “Add Sponsorship Level” button in the top-right corner of that “Sponsorships” box.

The “Sponsor Our Event” button will then automatically appear on your Essential Events page.

Potential sponsors can click on that "Sponsor Our Event" button, and the page should “slide out” for them to select their sponsorship level and complete the remainder of the checkout process.

How do I add the sponsor’s logo and their website?

You can add a sponsor’s logo or image and their website by clicking on the small dropdown arrow next to the sponsor’s name, and selecting the “Add Logo” option.

You’ll then be prompted to select an image from your files.

Once ready, you can click on “Update & Exit.” The logo will then appear under a special section on your Events page!

How and where will the event sponsors be located on the Essential Events page?

There will be a special section on your Essential Events page, underneath the “Details” section, where each sponsorship will be listed, along with the logo of the sponsor’s choice.

Why are the logos for my sponsors different sizes?

In order to save you time and ensure that your sponsor logos are honoring your largest sponsors, we automatically size your logos based on the level of their Sponsorship.

We have three sizes that will display: large, medium, and small. The largest-sized logo will appear for the highest sponsorship level you have created and the medium-sized logo will appear for your second highest sponsorship. All subsequent sponsorship levels will display the small-sized logo.

Do you have recommended sizing or dimensions for a sponsor's logo?

Most logos will look good on your page! While we don't have exact dimension or sizing specifications, the logos that will work best on your page are those whose length and width aren't extremely different in size.

We recommend asking your sponsors who provide logos that are very short and long, or are very tall and skinny, to provide an alternative logo.

What if a sponsor wants to pay for their Sponsorship with cash or a check?

You can add an Offline Sponsorship purchase by clicking on the “Actions” button located next to the Sponsorship Level, and then clicking on the “Add Sponsor” option.

You’ll then be prompted to select the sponsor by typing their name and selecting their name from the drop-down list.

Note: if the sponsor is a new donor/sponsor, you will need to add them first by clicking on the “Click here to create a guest donor” text, located below the “Donor” field.

You can then fill in the date, select the appropriate Sponsorship Level, and indicate the quantity of sponsorships sold and payment type. Once done, you can click the blue “Save and Exit” button at the top.

The sponsor should then reflect on your Essential Events page and in any reporting you create in your Donor Management System.

How can we use the "details" field when entering an offline Sponsorship?

The "details" field can be used when entering an offline Sponsorship to help track certain important details, such as a check number, or a specific request that the sponsor may have made.

NOTE: The details field is not designed to retain any sensitive information, such as a sponsor's credit card information. If a sponsor is using a credit card to purchase a sponsorship, please use an incognito or private browsing window to enter the donor's credit card information on their behalf through the Essential Events page.

What if I need to remove a sponsorship that I added offline?

If you need to remove a sponsorship that you added offline, you can do so through Fundraising Pages directly.

Simply search for the sponsor's name or email by selecting "Donors/Fundraisers" from the "People" tab. Once the donor's profile in Fundraising Pages has loaded, select the "Actions" button next to the Sponsorship in question, and select the option for "Delete."

How are Sponsorships tracked in my Donor Management System?

Sponsorships will appear within a donor/sponsor’s Contact Record within the Donor Management system as a separate line on their Giving Graph.

They can also be found under the “Giving” tab in your Donor Management System.

In each case, the sponsorships are indicated as a separate revenue stream for easier tracking and reporting.

How can we segment out sponsors in my Donor Management System?

We have added several filter options under the “Giving” tab in order to allow you to better segment out your sponsors from other donors or ticket purchasers.

  • Transaction: Purchased sponsorship to event – will provide you with a list of all Sponsorship Transactions currently listed in your Donor Management System.

  • Name: Purchased sponsorship to event – will provide you with a list of all Sponsorship Transactions related to a specific Essential Event you have created.

  • Name: Sponsorship type – will provide you with a list of all transactions that correspond to a specific Sponsorship Level.

We have also added a filter option under the “Contacts” tab as well:

  • Contact: Purchased sponsorship to event – will provide you with a list of anyone who has purchased a sponsorship for a specific Essential Event.

How do we acknowledge my sponsors?

You can acknowledge a sponsor in the same way you'd acknowledge a donor or ticket purchase!

From the Contact Record (or from the Giving tab's main view) you can select the orange "acknowledgement" icon, and select the type of acknowledgement you'd like to send.

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