66 articles
Events Overview
Understanding Events Pages
How do I create an Events page?
How do I add an appropriately-sized image for the layout of my Fundraising page?
How do I rotate an image that appears sideways after uploading?
How do I copy or duplicate an existing Events page?
How do I cancel my upcoming event?
How do I update my guests on changes to my upcoming event?
How do I hide past Events pages from the "My Campaigns" page?
How do I export a guest list from an Events page?
How do I import a guest list from an Events page into Donor Management?
FAQ: Events Pages
Understanding Ticketing and Registration
How do I create a ticket for my event?
How do I add an offline ticket purchase?
How do I collect information for event attendees?
How do I edit a guest's details?
How do I create a ticket purchase acknowledgement?
How do I process a refund request for an event?
How do I process multiple refund requests for an Event?
How do I convert refunded ticket purchases into donations?
How do I set up tickets to represent individual guests?
How do I set up tickets to represent a group of guests?
Understanding Livestreaming Capabilities
How do I set up a YouTube video for livestreaming with my event?
How do I set up a Vimeo video for livestreaming with my event?
How do I ensure my livestream video is set up properly?
How do I use a pre-recorded video for my event's livestream?
How do I rehearse the livestream for my event?
How do I use an Events page to run a livestream?.
How do I set myself up for success to livestream with my upcoming event?
How do I use the event attendee chat?We’ve compiled a list of livestream chat best practices to help you get the most out of your virtual event.
How do I get support during my event's livestream?
How do I make tickets available after a livestream has ended?
FAQ: Livestreaming Capabilities
Understanding Promo Codes and Complimentary Tickets
How do I use promo codes with my event?
How can I add a promo code?
How can I share my promo codes for my event?
How do I enter a complimentary ticket on an Events page?
How do I guide my event attendees in redeeming a promo code?
How do I see if a promo code has been redeemed?
How do I report on promo code usage?
How do I deactivate a promo code for an event?
Understanding Sponsorships
How do I find sponsors for my event?
How do I add a sponsorship level for my event?
How do I add a sponsor's logo to my Events page?
How do I collect payment for a sponsorship with cash or a check?
How do I add complimentary tickets for my sponsors?
How do I create a report of complimentary guests for my event?
How do I track sponsorships in Donor Management?
How do I create a sponsorship purchase acknowledgement?
Understanding the Check-In Tool
How do I enable the check-in feature for my event?
How do I check-in guests for my event?
How do I see if a guest has been checked in for my event?
How do I change a guest's information after they've been checked in?
How do I address a last-minute ticket purchase that isn't reflecting during check-in?
How can I leverage event volunteers to help with the check-in process?
How can I report on my event's attendance?