Review Request Best Practices

The best practises to send review requests effectively.

Rosie Barton avatar
Written by Rosie Barton
Updated over a week ago

Here are a few best practices we recommend following when sending review requests to increase the likelihood of you customers leaving you reviews online. 

Sending the requests

1. Send review requests to the customer's phone. 

Text messages get close to a 100% open rate, so practically all your customers will see the review request. This number goes down to 30% by email. So if you have your customer's cell phone numbers, use them! 

2. The sooner the better.

Sending the request the same day or even immediately after your last contact with the customer will help you get more reviews. A customer's sentiment towards a business is much stronger following an appointment or service. Waiting to send the review request will reduce the quality and likelihood of them leaving a review. 

3. Bulk sending requests can help.

You have the ability to send review requests in bulk. This might be helpful if you are unable to send the request immediately to each customer. We recommend sending in bulk once a day. That way all your customers receive a request promptly and you save time.

Building Process

To guarantee the best results you should establish a good process to send the review requests. 


We recommend making one or two team members responsible for sending requests. They can use this quick help document to see how to use LocalReviews. 

You can also see how to create new users for them here.


Based on the tips above, you need to decide when is the best time to send the requests. If possible, the process should be to send a review request to the customer as soon as their appointment or visit is completed. So will the person responsible for LocalReviews be able to send the requests at that time? If not, can someone else send it? 

If sending the request immediately is impossible, we recommend using daily bulk requests.


We want you to get the most out of LocalReviews. If you have any questions, please get in touch through the messenger bubble below.

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