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Booking: All About Sharing Links

Here's how to access your existing sharing link & easily generate a unique sharing link for your Web Booker!

Rosie Barton avatar
Written by Rosie Barton
Updated over a week ago

In the Distribute tab of your Booking dashboard, we give you the option to generate a unique sharing link for each way you share your Web Booker link! You're able to generate a unique link for Facebook, Instagram, your website, ads, and any other platforms you use to promote your Web Booker link.

Your Visits dashboard has the option to display the Referral source for each booking - allowing you to easily keep track of which platform each customer came from, and which platforms are driving the most traffic to your Web Booker and getting you the most Bookings!

You can grab your regular sharing link and generate your unique link(s) in just a couple steps. Let's dive in!

Quick Links:

Generating Your Unique Sharing Links

1. Log in to your OneLocal dashboard, and click on Settings.

2. Navigate to LocalVisits -> Bookings. Then, click on Web Booker.

3. Click on Distribute.

4. Here, you'll find your existing sharing link URL.

On the bottom of this section, you'll be able to till the 'Source' field. In this example, we're generating a link for Instagram. After you've filled it in, an automatically generated link appears!

You can make as many of these unique sharing links as you need!

Tracking The Booking Origin Within Your LocalVisits Dashboard

To track which sharing link a Booking is coming from, simply navigate to your LocalVisits dashboard. Then, in any view, click "Show Columns", and select "Referred From".

In the example below, you'll see 2 different sources - the top one is booked with the standard sharing link, and the lower appointment was booked with a Custom sharing link set up for sharing on Instagram:

Now you can easily see where your bookings are coming from!

If you have any questions, check out the articles below or reach out to our support team via the chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner!

Learn more about your LocalVisits Booking dashboard:

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