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Booking: Adding Services and Service Categories

All you need to know about displaying your services in your Web Booker!

Rosie Barton avatar
Written by Rosie Barton
Updated over a week ago

It's important to get all your Services properly set up before your customers start using your Web Booker.

We'll walk you through how to add your Service Categories, followed by your Services. Next, maybe you want to assign only certain Staff Members to specific Services - we'll show you how to do that too!

You're also able to select which Service Categories and Services you want displayed in your Web Booker.

See our Quick Links below to jump to a section - or scroll down to get started!

Quick Links

Getting Started

2. Click on Settings.

3. Next, click on LocalVisits. Then, click on Bookings. Once you're in Bookings, you'll see Services - click into it.

Adding a New Service Category

4. You'll see your Services page here. You'll need to start by adding a Service Category first.

Click on the Add New Service Category button in the middle of the page. You'll also have the option with the button on the top right.

5. In the window that opens, fill out the Service Category's name, and description (if you'd like), then hit 'Confirm'.

Here, you'll see the warning that your Service Category will be hidden until you add a Service.

Adding a New Service

6. To add a service, click the 'Add New' button in the top right part of the screen, and click 'Service'.

7. In the window that pops up, make sure to fill out all the information about your service. Make sure everything's accurate! Hit 'Confirm' when you're done.

Displaying Your Service Category and Services in Web Booker

8. To make your Service Categories appear in your Web Booker, click on the Edit (pencil) button on your Service Category. In the window that pops up, enable 'Display in Web Booker'.

You're able to do the same thing for each of your services as well.

Assigning Staff Members to Services

9. Lastly, you can assign Staff Members to specific services (or all of them).
Navigate to the Staff Members page (Settings -> LocalVisits -> Bookings -> Staff Members), and click on the staff member you'd like to assign to a service.

In the page that opens up, scroll to the bottom. You'll see the services you've entered. Simply click on each Service or Service Category you'd like to assign the staff member to, and hit 'Save'. That's it!

Do this for each of the staff members you'd like to assign services to.

To learn how to add new Staff Members, click here.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Support team via the chat bubble in the lower right hand corner of your screen. You can also always reach out to your Marketing Specialist!

Learn more about your LocalVisits Booking dashboard:

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