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Booking: Customizing Contact Fields in Your Web Booker

Here are the types of contact fields, as well as a few ways you can take advantage of this feature to collect all the information you need!

Rosie Barton avatar
Written by Rosie Barton
Updated over a week ago

With the LocalVisits Web Booker, you have the option to add custom contact fields. This allows you to collect all the necessary information from your customers when they're booking.

These fields can not only be utilized to collect standard contact information, but also information you need from customers for their service.

Getting Started

1. Log in to your OneLocal dashboard, and click on Settings.

2. Navigate to LocalVisits -> Bookings. Then, click on Web Booker.

3. Once you're in the Web Booker page, click on the Contact Fields tab.

4. To insert a field, click on the 'Add Field' button in the top right corner.:

5. A window will pop up, allowing you to pick from 3 types of fields. Keep reading for an overview of what each field does!

Types of Fields Explained

Quick Links:

Text Field

When adding a text field, you can pick from 4 types:

  • Address

  • Note (when you need to collect longer messages from clients, for example)

  • Numbers (only accepts numbers - useful when you want to collect a phone number)

  • Text (for shorter text entries)

Use this field when you need to collect unique information from your customer, such as their address, name, phone number, etc.

Make the name of the field descriptive for what you're collecting from the customer. You can also make the field Required, so that the booking can't be completed until this field is filled in.


The checkbox field is a great way for the customer to indicate a response to a question or statement.

Here are a few example use cases for this field:

  • a confirmation they've provided accurate information

  • an indication whether they'd like to be signed up for your newsletter

  • having interest in hearing more about additional services

You also have the ability to make this field required!


The multi-choice field gives your customer the option to respond with one or more of the preset answers.

You're also able to use this as a single-select field - so the user can only pick one of the preset answers. Additionally, you're able to include an 'Other' option. Lastly, you can also make this question Required.

If you're a chiropractor, for example, you could use this field as a way for the customer to indicate where they're having pain. Simply list a number of areas, and the customer could indicate one or more (ex. 'upper back', 'neck', etc.).

You're Done!

Now you know how to add new fields, and what each of the field options do! If you need any help with this, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via the chat bubble in the lower right hand corner of your screen!

Learn more about your LocalVisits Booking dashboard:

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