Our job is to help you reach more of your fans, more effectively. So, we've built a broadcast builder flow that makes it easy to reach the right fans at the right time in the right place.
The Flow: Choose your channels > Design your message > Select your audience > Review > Schedule & send.
To get to the flow, head to Engage --> Broadcasts and click the yellow 'New Broadcast' button at the top right of the page.
1. Choose your channel
Choose a name for your broadcast, and choose Email as your channel. For SMS, click here.
Note: The description is internal and for your own records. Fans wonβt see it.
2. Design your message
First, choose if you want to start from a blank page or use an email template. Then, add your subject and preview text in the fields provided.
The message preview window will show you your email content at a glance. The 3 dots will allow you to either save your current work as a master template, or replace template.
β οΈ Be aware: Replacing your template will undo your current work.
Then, click the 'Edit Content' button to start building out your email.
Build out your email with structure tiles to suit your needs, adding elements as required. Click Preview to see your email as it would be presented on both desktopand mobile. Make sure to set structures to "stack columns on mobile" for best formatting results. Most fans read their emails on mobile.
Once you have finished building the email, click Save then X in the top right corner.
Top tip: Certain email clients - including Gmail - automatically change copy and background colours when displaying in either light or dark mode on various devices. Make sure you A/B test your emails across different devices in both light and dark mode to ensure your broadcasts are presenting as desired.
3. Choose your audience
Now, choose who you want to send your broadcast to. Pick from recommended audience cards or select Other for a drop-down of all your audiences. As you refine your audience, full details on the recipients will show up in the Recipients column on the right.
You can add a combination of audiences, which will appear as pills in the "Added audiences" section. If you want to filter further, you can do so by clicking on the Customize Audience drop-down to add more complex filters to your audience query.
If you can't find the audience you're looking for, you can create a new one by clicking the yellow link at the bottom of the drop-down, as pictured above.
4. Review your broadcast
Finally, review all the details of your broadcast in a single view. This step checks for any errors or missing info.
Yellow warnings should be reviewed, but emails can still be sent if these aren't fixed.
Red errors MUST be fixed in order to send your broadcast.
Click edit to go back to the corresponding step to fix any issues or make changes.
On the review page, you can also:
Send a Test Email before sending out to your fans.
Check Spam Score to see whether your email is likely to end up in spam folders, and this will advise on how you can improve this outcome.
Delete a draft, but NOT an email that has already been sent.
Clone to duplicate the email you are working on, creating a new one with the same design and settings.
Top tip: Make sure you've set your 'reply-to' email in your artist settings. This should be an inbox you have access to and can monitor, for any fan replies.
Schedule and Send
When you are ready to send your broadcast, click the green Schedule button in the bottom right hand corner. Regardless of schedule time, an email will NOT send until it is activated. You can schedule for a later date at a fixed time or in fans' local timezones, or click 'Publish Now' to send immediately.
β οΈ Do not change your Subject, Preview Text, or desired audience whilst a broadcast is 'Active' (i.e. sending) as this can lead to errors in sending.
Boom. Your fans have mail.