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Investors, Shareholders & Option Holders
Help topics for investors managing their investments into companies on Orchestra

How do I exercise my options?
When is a good time to exercise your options?
How do I use the ESOP modelling feature to estimate the value of my options?
What happens to my options if I leave the company?
The timeline of an ESOP for employees
What happens to my options if the company has an 'exit' (liquidity event)?
Am I obligated to participate in the company ESOP?
How do I update my shareholder residential address?
How do I change my shareholder or option holder email address?
How do I sell my shares?
How much are my shares worth?
Why can’t I see all of my holdings?
How do I transfer my shares?
How do I get a statement of holding?
How do I create an account on Orchestra as an investor/shareholder?
Can I give extra users access to my shareholder?
Do I need a new account for each shareholder or investment entity that I control?
Why do I have duplicate entities on the Orchestra platform?
How do I change the spelling of my shareholder or option holder name?
Why does Orchestra work for shareholders?
Why am I being asked to use Orchestra?
Can I choose not to use Orchestra?
I invested in a company through Snowball Effect that now uses Orchestra, how do I get set up?
I received an error message when trying to create my account
Is Orchestra free for investors?
Viewing your shareholder communications on Orchestra
How do I access company documents on Orchestra?
How do I download a list of my share transactions?
How do I find my custom field information in Orchestra?
How do I add my custom field information to Orchestra?
How do I add my details for a dividend distribution in Orchestra?
Where do I find my dividend statements?
Where do I find my share purchase loan details?