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Create an Event Template

Learn how to create an event template to get a head start on every event you create!

Rosie Scanga avatar
Written by Rosie Scanga
Updated over a week ago

We built Event Templates into Prism because we know that many of your event costs, deals, and event details will be similar across events. Of course, not everything will be exactly the same, but it's much easier to add a few tweaks to an applied template than building something from scratch! After the template is applied, you can edit any information inside the event.

To access Event Templates go to the icon with your initials in the bottom left corner of Prism > Settings > Templates tab > Event Templates. Note that templates are only accessible to admins and users that have been granted permission to "View/Edit Templates."

Select "New Template" and choose a template type. 'Rental' templates are used for Rentals or ticketed partner deals. Regular Show templates are designed for artist offers.

Event Template Names

Once you have selected a template type, edit the name of the "New Template" by clicking on the name. Change the name of an event template with this same method. We recommend to standardize the names of templates with venue names, deal types or seating configurations.

Edit the contents of the template by clicking the pencil button. Expand each section of the template to make edits.

Set Default Behavior When Applying Templates

The Contacts, Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, and Tasks sections can be configured to overwrite or add information when applying a template to an event. Use the toggles to set the defaults for each template in your settings, with the ability to adjust the behavior, as needed, at the time of application. This allows for more customizable event setups, such as combining different venue and artist-specific costs on a tour (without needing to create a separate template for each unique combination) or adding rental packages on top of standard fixed expenses.

Event Fees

Event fees or Pre-settlement Ticketing Fees are used for things like VIP meet & greets lifts, charity dollars, or album bundles that need to be backed out of ticket revenue before settling. Any amount that is entered in this section will be removed from the selected ticket (or all tickets) and factored in to the Adjusted Gross calculation. 

*Facility Fees and Tax Rates are not included in Event Templates. If you need to adjust a Facility Fee or Tax Rate, go to the Organization Settings and edit the Venue Settings. When an event is created with a particular venue, the Tax and Facility Fee are automatically applied to the offer.

Talent Deals

To build a Talent Deal, click Add Artist and enter in standard deal information. Remember that this can be edited on an individual show. To learn more about the different deal types in Prism visit our page on Deal Types Breakdown

You can edit Deal Terms and Additional Terms and Conditions in this section as well. Click "Edit Deal Terms" or "Edit Additional Terms and Conditions" at the bottom of the deal builder to update terms like radius clauses, comp breakdowns, and any other text you would like to include on the deal. Make sure to Save the Terms and then Save the Deal by clicking the purple Save buttons. Learn more about Deal Terms here.

Input an Age Limit in the Event Details section to appear on the offer. This will be editable on individual events.


The tickets section is used to track ticket revenue. Use the Create Ticket button to build out each of your ticket tiers.

Name: Insert the name of the ticket tier (e.g., GA, VIP, Balcony, Day of Show, etc.)
Allotment: # of tickets available per tier
Comps: # of comps available per tier
Kills: # of un-useable seats per tier
Sellable: [Automatically calculated] Allotment - (Comps + Kills)
Price: $ per ticket

(Note: If you will be deducting a Facility Fee from your tickets, make sure to include the Facility Fee amount in the ticket price. For example if the Tickets are $35 plus a $2 Facility Fee, the Price should be listed as $37.)
Est. Sales: # of estimated ticket sales, this is an internal only number to help you estimate counts per tier
Potential: [Automatically calculated] Sellable * Price
Estimated Attendance: This number is used to project Additional Internal Revenue and Variable Costs that are calculated "Per Attendee" like insurance for example

You will notice that as you input the information listed above your Potential / Estimated Gross estimates will start to sum at the top of this category.
Potential =  Sum of (Sellable * Price)
Estimated Gross = Sum of (Est. Sales * Price)

Addl. Internal Revenue

Additional Internal Revenue is meant to track any revenue beyond raw ticket sales that you anticipate bringing in from your event (e.g., merch, bar, ticket rebates, sponsorships, etc.). This information will never show up on an offer/settlement sheet or be presented in any external facing numbers. Utilize the plus sign to add additional internal revenue items. 

Note: If you are a venue and are keeping the Facility Fee as internal revenue, add the Facility Fee in this section of the template.

Name: Name this line item
Type: Flat would be used for a lump sum amount, whereas per ticket and per attendee will vary based on the ticket tiers or estimated attendance, respectively, listed in the tickets section
Est. Amount: $ estimate
Total: [Automatically calculated] Flat totals = Est. Amount; Per Attendee = Est. Amount * Attendance from the Tickets section; Per Ticket = Est. Sales per ticker tier * Est. Amount


Contacts can be utilized for anyone that is involved with the event like your marketing contact, production contact, or box office. 

Utilize the plus sign to add a contact and begin typing a name to either search for a contact or create a new contact. The "Docs" check box will dictate whether or not the contact will be listed on the PDF offer sheet and settlement sheet.

Note that whoever creates an event will automatically be listed as a contact on the event.

Run of Show

Use the Run of Show section to add a standard set of scheduled items and times on your event.

Add a new item by clicking the 'Create Run of Show item' button. Fill out all applicable fields to start adding RoS items to your template. Use the new 'Include in All Docs' toggle to determine the visibility of your Run of Show items. Internal Run of Show items like Staff Call times, Curfews, and Door times can now optionally be included in your external documents like Prism Offers, Contracts, and Itineraries.

Learn more about our revamped Run of Show here.

Fixed Costs

This section is utilized for tracking all of your external and internal costs by Category and Type. Organize your Cost groups into categories in order to track groups of expenses together in show summaries and on your P&L. To create a New Category group click "New Cost Group." 

Name: Name your expense line item
Qty: Quantity
Cost: External unit cost of expense
Offer Budget: [Automatically calculated] Cost * QTY
Estimated Internal: Internal estimate of expense, this number will not show up in any external numbers or on offer/settlement sheets
Notes: Insert any notes related to the line item (e.g., rental information)
Reported: When toggled ON this expense will appear on external documents and factor into expense calculations - when toggled OFF this expense will not appear on any external documents and will not be included in expense calculations.

You will notice that as you input the information listed above your Budgeted / Estimated Internal estimates will start to sum at the top of this category.
Budgeted = Sum of Offer Budget categories
Estimated Internal = Sum of Estimated Internal categories

Variable Costs

Variables costs are used for costs that are associated with fluctuating ticket sales and revenue. The great thing about these is that they essentially settle on their own, assuming relevant ticket and attendance items are updated in Prism. Insurance costs per attendee or licensing fees are commonly accounted for in the Variable Costs section.

Name: Name the expense line item
Amount: $ or % amount for the item that differs based on Type, note that Prism will convert the % amount for you so if the number is 5%, type "5" into the Amount field
Type: Flat per ticket or attendee will use the amount field as a $ amount whereas Gross, Adjusted Gross, and Net Gross will look at the amount as a % of the Gross, Adjusted Gross, or Net Gross
Offer Budget: [Automatically calculated]
Flat per tier = Amount * Total Sellable tickets
Flat per Attendee = Amount * Estimated Attendance
Percentage of Gross = (Amount/100)*Potential Gross

Percentage of Adjusted Gross = (Amount/100)*(Potential Gross - Potential Fees)
Percentage of Net Gross = (Amount/100)*(Potential Gross - Potential Taxes and Potential Fees)
Est. Total: [Automatically calculated]
Flat per tier = Amount * Total Est. Sales tickets
Flat per Attendee = Amount * Estimated Attendance
Percentage of Gross = (Amount/100)*Estimated Gross

Percentage of Adjusted Gross = (Amount/100)*(Estimated Gross - Estimated Fees)
Percentage of Net Gross = (Amount/100)*(Estimated Gross - Estimated Taxes and Estimated Fees)
Reported: When toggled ON this expense will appear on external documents and factor into expense calculations - when toggled OFF this expense will not appear on any external documents and will not be included in expense calculations.

Task Templates

Task templates can be applied to Event Templates. When tasks are associated with an Event Template, any tasks therein will be applied to an event along with the rest of the Event Template data. To learn more about Task Templates visit our article on Tasks.

If you have any questions, contact!

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