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Negative stock in PULPO web view
Negative stock in PULPO web view

What does the negative value in my stock view mean? Why can it be different from total stock at all?

Vadim Glushachenko avatar
Written by Vadim Glushachenko
Updated over 12 months ago

Why do I see negative stock in PULPO when searching for an item?

In the stock search view, the users can see values different from the physical warehouse stock.
The main thing you need to know is that in this view, PULPO WMS shows available stock, not the physical stock.

The available stock the user can see when searching for the product is 910. Available stock can be negative as well.

Meanwhile, the physical stock view shows there are 1198 items in total located at different locations (and with one of the users).

To keep it simple, the available stock is the warehouse stock excluding the stock reserved for the open sales orders and in blocked locations.
In the example above, there are 288 items of T-shirt 1 ordered reducing the available stock to 910 items.
But what is the meaning of the negative stock? Negative stock means, there are more items ordered in PULPO than stored in the warehouse in available positions.

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