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Task Filters Overview

How to utilize the Task Filter options

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated over a week ago

Task filters allow you to plug the holes in your business and make sure nothing is left behind. You can filter for and create filter presets for your Lead Manager to check and make sure all leads have tasks before leaving for the weekend.

Accessing Task Filters

To filter by task, select Records on the left side bar of your account and click Filter Records towards the top right of the page.

Next, click Add new filter block. Here you can select our Task filter options.

You can filter tasks by:

  • Task Count - minimum and maximum amount of tasks per record

  • Task - combines Task Name, Task Assigned to and Task Status

  • Task Name - Task name only

  • Task Assigned To - User or User role task is assigned to

  • Task Status - Due Today, Overdue, To do, or Date Range

Filtering by Task

Task combines Task Name, Task Assigned to, and Task Status filters. This filter option is an AND filter, meaning that only records that meet all options you enter will appear in the results. If you want to filter by Task Name OR Task Assigned to for example, you can add these filter options separately. When added separately they become an OR filter, meaning you'll see results for records that meet either criteria you select.

When entering a Task Name it will need to be the exact name of the Task. If you don't remember the exact name and the task was created from a task preset, you can go to the Task Page located on the left side bar of your account, click Configure presets and copy and paste the task name from there.

Once you've selected the options you want to filter by, select Apply Filters to see the results.

Filtering by Task Count

The Task Count filter allows you to enter a minimum or maximum for property tasks. This option can be combined with any of our other filter options.

The Task Count filter option is especially helpful when combining with our Property Status filter so you can see if there are any records with the Lead status that do not have tasks associated with them.

Want to make sure no lead slips through the cracks? Have your lead manager filter records with 0 tasks and lead status at the end of each week so they can make sure all leads have tasks before going into the weekend.

Filtering by Task Name, Assigned To, or Status

When adding the task filters Task Name, Task Assigned to or Task Status separately, these become an OR filter. For example, Task Status of Overdue combined with Task Assigned to a certain user would return results for any records with task status overdue OR any records assigned to the user you're filtering by. Want to see results for Task Status AND Task Assigned To? Use the Task filter. The Task Filter combines Task Name, Assigned to and Status, when selecting these options in the Task Filter it will return results for records that meet all criteria you're filtering by.

When filtering by Task Name, enter in the exact name of the task. If you don't remember the exact name and the task was created from a task preset, you can go to the Task Page located on the left side bar of your account, click Configure presets and copy and paste the task name from there.

In this Example, the filter would return results for any records that have the task Make Offer assigned to them.

When Filtering by Task Assigned To, you can filter by the user name the task is assigned to, or by the role the task is assigned to.

Task Status allows you to filter by

  • Overdue - overdue or past due tasks

  • Due Today - tasks due on the current date

  • To Do - active tasks due today or in the future

  • Due Date - filter by a due date range

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