In this guide you will learn why it is important to follow up with Not Interested's, two marketing methods for following up, and how to create each workflow in your REISift account.
Why Follow Up with "Not Interested" Owners?
An owner may not have been interested in selling a few months ago, but their situation can change over time. They might face hardships, go through a divorce, inherit property, or face foreclosure, and are now needing to sell.
You've already invested time and resources to find their correct contact information, so following up is often just a quick phone call or text. From our experience, by consistently following up, you can convert about 2.5% of "Not Interested" contacts into leads.
If they are still not interested in selling, set a new task to follow up again in a few months. By continuing to check in, you build a relationship so that when they are ready to sell, they will keep you in mind.
Two Follow-Up Methods
Not Interested Follow Ups with Click to Call: Assigning follow up tasks to each individual record and calling through the records using a click to call dialer.
Not Interested Follow ups with Bulk Dialers or SMS: Filtering for when a property status was changed to Not Interested and setting a reminder task to check the filter preset.
Not Interested Follow Ups with Click to Call
Following up with Not Interested's using a click to call dialer includes assigning tasks to each property record, creating sequences to auto assign some tasks, and filter presets to easily see which tasks are due today or are overdue.
Step 1: Create the Not Interested Follow Up Tasks
Create the Not Interested Task Group
From the tasks page, select Configure Presets towards the top right.
Select Create new group and create a group called "Not Interested".
Create Follow-Up Tasks:
Select Add New Preset under the Not Interested task group.
Task 1: Name it "Not Interested Follow-Up 1", assign to a user or round-robin, and set it to be due in 90 days.
Task 2: Repeat for the next 90 days (name it "Not Interested Follow-Up 2").
Task 3: Continue this process to cover a year or more, as needed.
Step 2: Use Sequences to Automate Task Assignments
Create the Not Interested Sequence Folder
Go to Sequences located on the left sidebar of your account.
Select Create Folder and create a folder called "Not Interested".
Create the Not Interested Sequences
Sequence 1: Not Interested Follow-Up 1
Triggered when the property status changes to "Not Interested". This will assign "Not Interested Follow-Up 1".
Trigger: Select Property Status Change
Condition: Select Property Status Change and from Any to Not Interested
Action: Select Create New Task. Click Choose Preset then select the Not Interested Follow-Up 1 task.
Sequence 2: Triggered when "Not Interested Follow-Up 1" is completed. This assigns "Not Interested Follow-Up 2".
Trigger: Select Task Completed.
Condition: Select Task Is. Click Choose a Task Preset and select the Not Interested Follow-Up 1 task.
Action: Select Create New Task. Select Choose Preset, and the Not Interested Follow-Up 2 task.
Continue creating similar sequences until each of your Not Interested tasks are included.
Step 3: Creating Not Interested Filter Presets
Create Not Interested Folder
From the Records page, select Filter Records, then click Filter Presets and select Create New Folder.
Next, Enter in "Not Interested" and select Create Folder to save.
Create Not Interested Due today Preset:
Select the Property Status filter block and include Not Interested.
Select the Task filter block and Due Today.
Save this preset to the Not Interested folder.
Create Not Interested Overdue Preset:
Select the Property Status filter block and include Not Interested.
Select the Task filter block and Overdue.
Save this preset to the Not Interested folder.
Not Interested Follow ups with Bulk Dialers or SMS
While manual follow-up is effective, managing a large volume of "Not Interested" records can be time-consuming. Using a bulk dialer or SMS allows you to efficiently contact multiple property owners, ensuring you maintain regular communication and improve your chances of conversion.
Following up with Not Interested's in Bulk
Step 1: Filtering and Creating a Preset for "Not Interested" Records
From the Records page, select Filter Records and select the Property Status Filter block. Include Not Interested property status.
Add the Last Updated Field filter under Property filters and select the Status field. Then select the "Prior to" option on the calendar and the timeframe for when you want to follow up. We suggest selecting the Last 21 Months Prior to 1 Quarter.
Save the preset in the Not Interested folder.
Note: When it is time to follow up with Not Interested's again you will need to update the dates in the preset.
Step 2: Prepare for Bulk Dialing or SMS
Apply the Filter:
Send to Dialer or SMS:
Step 3: Create Reminder Tasks
Set Quarterly Reminders:
Set Monthly Reminders: If you prefer to follow up monthly instead of quarterly, you can create a recurring task instead. Follow the Steps above to create a new task and instead of selecting a due date, toggle Recurrency on, select Monthly and check to repeat.
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